Weaving a Safety Net of Compassion for Myanmar

In the midst of Myanmar's deep turmoil, the outpouring of kindness and support from individuals like you has been a beacon of hope. However, we now find ourselves navigating uncertain waters. The international community's level of assistance has lessened as the conflict drags on as other crisis and challenges draw attention away from far-off Myanmar. While understandable, the tragic reality is that the situation in Myanmar has only gotten worse, and the needs continue to increase.

Here at Better Burma, we sometimes receive emergency requests to support vulnerable populations who are at immediate risk of harm. In what can at times literally be life-or-death cases, there is no time to start up fundraising campaigns, or otherwise seek support from donors. We have to rely on whatever funds we have on hand. And this is also why recurring donations are so helpful to Better Burma’s mission, and why we periodically make this specific request. They allow us to be more flexible and responsive, and make long-term planning easier.

Picture a safety net, ethereal yet resilient, gracefully woven from the threads of compassion and generosity. It is a metaphorical embrace, a symbol of collective strength, and an unwavering commitment to the cause. Each contribution, of any amount, is a thread that strengthens the whole. And recurring donations are particularly supportive and vital threads that significantly strengthen it! We at Better Burma are always trying to weave a stronger and more resilient safety net, ready to be cast when nightmare scenarios befall communities without warning.

It is in this context that we humbly reach out to you again, sharing our heartfelt gratitude for your past contributions and inviting you to lend a hand towards helping to build a safety net for times like these. Whether you are able to give a one-time donation, or perhaps can consider a recurring donation, it serves to help those in their hour of need.

To set up a donation of any kind, you can choose either our PayPal or Patreon platforms, both secure and trusted channels, or else find more options on our donation page. As you pledge your commitment, imagine that safety net growing stronger, its threads interwoven with purpose and compassion.