Education in Chin State

In the aftermath of the military coup in Myanmar, urgent education needs have arisen in southern Chin State, as detailed in a recent essay submission from a local Chin partner that Better Burma will be working with on the ground. The coup has resulted in widespread disruptions and challenges in the education sector, leaving children and youth in Chin State without access to quality education. The military's seizure of power has not only disrupted the functioning of schools but has also created an atmosphere of fear and instability, making it even more challenging for students and teachers to pursue their educational aspirations.

Under the military regime, educational institutions have been targeted, with schools forcibly closed and teachers facing intimidation and harassment. This has deprived children and youth of their right to education, a fundamental human right that lays the foundation for their future development and opportunities.

In this context, our ground team is actively working to assess the specific education needs in Chin State, taking into account the challenges imposed by the military coup. This assessment will provide us with a better understanding as to how we can support the affected children and youth.

To successfully carry out the subsequent education initiatives we hope to launch there, we rely on the generosity and support of individuals who are committed to safeguarding the right to education in the face of adversity. By donating to our cause, you directly contribute to providing immediate relief and long-term support to the affected communities. Your support will help us provide essential learning materials and promote psychosocial support programs to help children and youth cope with the trauma caused by the coup.

We encourage you to join us in our mission to protect and uphold the right to education in Chin State during this challenging period. Your generosity will have a profound impact on the lives of children and youth, empowering them with the knowledge and skills needed to build a better future for themselves and their communities.

Thank you for your compassion and commitment to standing with the people of Chin State in their pursuit of education and a brighter future.