A Donation Event at a Nunnery

Our local team is continuing on its mission to distribute the aid allocated by the Birthday Fund! These are the contributions collected by a British donor who specified to his friends and family that instead of birthday gifts, he would instead like them to direct their generosity towards Better Burma, for the purpose of feeding monks and nuns throughout Myanmar. We are very happy to present a video of a recent donation event at a nunnery.

When we are able to give donations to Buddhist nunneries, we at Better Burma couldn't be happier! It is our great honor and privilege to be able to help support these incredible women who are doing so much to support their local community.

For those who may have never stepped foot inside a Buddhist nunnery in Myanmar, the life of a Buddhist nun is one of simplicity and selflessness. And yet despite the difficult life they have chosen, the nuns of Burma are some of the happiest and most content people you will ever meet! They radiate peace and serenity, and their gentle smiles are a testament to the joy that they find through choosing to follow a path of the Buddha’s teachings. It is our great honor and privilege to be able to help support these amazing women. By giving donations to their nunneries, we are able to help them maintain their simple lifestyle and continue their important work, which is all the more challenging in times like these.

Buddhist nuns in Myanmar have certainly been impacted by the military coup in a number of ways. While some have even been arrested and detained, others have been forced to flee their nunneries, and many have been left without any means of support with the overall collapsing economy. The military coup has also impacted the ability of Buddhist nuns to practice through study and meditation in the way they were accustomed to in calmer days. In addition, the military coup has resulted in a decrease in donations to Buddhist monasteries, which has further impacted the ability of Buddhist nuns to support themselves and those who depend on them. That is why we are so thankful to any donor who assists our mission in being able to provide support during these hard days.

Still, we find that so many nuns are incredibly resilient and have been able to adapt to the new reality they find themselves in. Many of them have taken on leadership roles in their communities, providing support and guidance to those who are struggling. The nuns have also been working hard to provide relief to those who have been affected by the violence. They have been distributing food and supplies to those in need, and offering emotional support to those who are traumatized by the events of the past few months. Despite the challenges, the nuns are managing to keep their community together and continue their vital work. They are an inspiration to us all, and a reminder that even in the darkest of times, hope and compassion can still prevail.

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