A Happy Birthday Wish!

It is inspiring to see how our donors look to give in ever-creative means, and our team is only too happy to accommodate their good wishes and distribute these much needed funds to vulnerable communities across Myanmar.

Recently, a British supporter wrote in with a birthday coming up. He asked his friends and family to forgo any presents for him, instead donating for monks and nuns in Myanmar. He then sent us the sum of the money he was able to collect, and our team went about finding monasteries, nunneries, and meditation centers which would benefit most from receiving a food donation at this time.

Over the last two weeks, our team narrowed down the potential recipients to ten monastic sites in Ayeyarwady Region, Bago Region and Mandalay Region for his birthday donation. We will be purchasing 46 sacks of rice to these ten beneficiary locations, where each site will receive between 3-5 large sacks of rice. After this donation is completed, we will be sharing about the meritorious events here.

We appreciate this very generous donor who is diverting his birthday gifts to help the monastics of Myanmar! To other supporters out there, please do get in touch with us if you have your own creative ideas as to how you’d like to give, and our team will do the best to work with and accommodate your volition!

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