Together, We can Make a Difference!

It has been nearly two years since the military coup in Myanmar. In the aftermath of the coup, many people around the world have turned their attention away from the country, thinking that the situation there is hopeless.

But there are still people working to make a difference in Myanmar.

Those very generous donors who have continued to support our mission at Better Burma are some of them.

Better Burma is a non-profit organization that works to improve the lives of people in Myanmar. Since the military coup, we have been working hard to provide support to those who need it the most. With your help, we have provided food, medical supplies and other essential items to people in need. We have also been working to raise awareness about the situation in Myanmar.

But we cannot do it alone. We are so appreciative of those who have stood by us, by donating to Better Burma.

We can also help by spreading the word about what is happening in Myanmar. The more people who know about the situation, the more pressure there will be on the military to end the coup. And as always, we are happy to accept volunteers!

So please, take a moment to learn about the situation in Myanmar and consider making a donation to Better Burma. Together, we can make a difference.

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