A Birthday Celebration at a Burmese Nunnery

Last week we referenced a birthday fund that was sent to Better Burma, to be used for rice donations to monks and nuns in need. After our team looked up and down the country for those who would most benefited, they have since begun to allocate these funds. This week they visited a nunnery, coming with many bags of rice in hand! Please take some time to read their report below, and consider a donation to help us continue this work!

“Our focal persons from different regions reflected their bliss of volunteering to organize and contribute the food donations to these monasteries and nunneries. Our volunteer who organized and contributed the alms-rice donations reported that the nuns from the supported nunneries are mostly the aged and they cannot go alms-round, like the younger ones during the rainy season, because they easily get sick as they walk in the rain in the muddy streets. Since it was raining continuously at the time we were able to distribute the rice in this area (which is in Ayeyarwady Delta Region), our support to them was a big help for them as they do not need to worry about their health to collect food. The aged nuns told her that it is a supportive donation at this right time. 

Giving rice to Burmese nuns is an act of great generosity and compassion. By giving them rice, you are helping to alleviate their suffering during these difficult times, and improve their quality of life. The rice you give to the nuns will help them to survive and thrive. It is a basic staple of their diet and without it they would struggle to get by. By giving them rice, you are ensuring that they have enough to eat!

Your generosity will also enable the nuns to share their rice with others who are in need. They will be able to use it to feed the hungry and help those who are struggling to make ends meet. In addition to the physical benefits of giving rice to the nuns, your act of kindness will also bring them joy and happiness, especially knowing as it came from someone so far away. They were touched by the generosity and appreciated the thoughtfulness.”

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