A Monthly Pledge

We are so grateful for all the support that has been given to Better Burma since the military coup in Myanmar! The response from the international community has been overwhelming and we are very touched by the outpouring of love and concern for the people of Myanmar.

As many people know who follow this account, we have been working tirelessly to provide assistance to those who have been affected by the violence as well as those working to restore democracy in Myanmar. We cannot do this alone and we are so grateful for the support of people around the world.

Unfortunately, the situation in Myanmar continues to be extremely volatile and many people are living in fear.

We are reaching out to ask for your help in ensuring the stability of our budget for the humanitarian missions we support. As you may know, we are a small organization with a limited budget, and the majority of our funding comes from individual donations.

In order to continue our work supporting the people of Burma, we are asking for your help in the form of a monthly pledge. No amount is too small, and every little bit helps us to continue our work.

You may set your recurring donation through either of our accounts on PayPal or Patreon. By committing to a consistent, monthly donation, Better Burma will be able to operate with something of a safety net, knowing the bare minimum we can come to expect each month.

Every day, we receive requests for help from people who have been displaced by the fighting, or who are struggling to access basic necessities like food and water. We are also seeing an increase in the number of refugees coming across the border into Thailand and India.

The needs are great and we are doing everything we can to respond, but we need your help.

By making a monthly pledge, you will be providing us with the stability and resources we need to continue our work. Your support will allow us to provide assistance to more people in need, and to respond quickly to new requests for help.

Thank you for considering a monthly pledge to Better Burma. Your support will make a real difference to the lives of those we are working to help.

Shwe Lan Ga LayComment