Transcript: Episode 35: Facing Darkness with Light

Following is the full transcript for the interview with Inda Aung Soe, which appeared on February 16, 2021. This transcript was made possible by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and has not been checked by any human reader. Because of this, many of the words may not be accurate in this text. This is particularly true of speakers who have a stronger accent, as AI will make more mistakes interpreting and transcribing their words. For that reason, this transcript should not be cited in any article or document without checking the timestamp to confirm the exact words that the guest has really said.

Inda Aung Soe  00:25

A Good Day, guys. As you can probably notice already, right? Everything is chaotic and really a mess right at the moment. And not only the days, but also the nights as well. With the military group, is it just a robbery? Right now, actually we are not feeling safe and we are not feeling peaceful and it come even though we tried to be. And also among these projects and rallies and marches and against the military guven EMR, there are still some people who think that the military is doing the right thing. The Right. Yeah, that's really, really disappointing. I don't know if from doing this interview, there'll be any danger for you. How do you feel about that? And how much do you want to say, I won't ask questions that can make a problem for you. Ah, don't worry, duck, I don't care basically. And you know, we are already in the danger in the risk. So we don't, we don't care anymore. And in my language, we always say, the content employment level, you know, the doll won't be that much more darker than the midnight we are already in the midnight. So you know, the darkness there won't be much worse. It's already at the peak of the darkness. So we don't care. Okay, can you tell me about just how you feel right now about what's going on? Like inside? Like, what's on your mind? What are you thinking? And how are you feeling? Ah, do Lego send a robot and the feeling being bullied. And the whole country would be the same I think, because the military, they use the weapons and the bully on the current existing elected government. And also the public's, you know, once a day, on the first of February, they coupe everything just go chaotic, and no one feels secure. And no one feel peaceful. And we can do anything. And nothing is now normal in your mind. And everyone is feeling really, really secure. And they are making and causing problems, days and nights. And not only the days, but also even the knives. And you can imagine the military and the police. They are supposed to be protecting the civilians, but now they are making travelers and attacking back into the civilians. They are meant to be protection. That's really so insane.  That's what we've been feeling and the really interesting things and the really, really so chaotic. That's my feeling. And I feel many other people will feel the same like me as well. Thank you. You feel bullied. That's the word you use, like you're being bullied. Yeah, bully, not only me, the whole country, yes. being bullied, you know? Is it just a robbery and a Boolean? Because they have a weapons in the hands and that they use at the command? That's why would the Lions have those weapons that they bully on the existing governments, elected governments and also on the public, right at the same time? Really bullied? Yeah. How are you involved right now and as a response to that feeling of being bullied, what what are you doing and what are people around you doing? How are you participating? I know. He's already changed, and the times are different. I like like a 2007. Unlike a DA Ah, this is a different time, a different era. So we're here to protest the military coup. And we have to say that we don't agree you we don't accept you, we reject you. And we never agree with you and we never stand with that. You bet in a peaceful manner. That's how we started. And when I started involving in the subtribes on rallies, and I found out myself, what was my sector, and it was my second point, and what is the related to my current jobs. So that's a trash picking, trash or cleaning app. So, you know, many people will be in the vortex, they'd be marching, and they've been sitting in one place, you know, do different types of basically sitting and marching around the hole, young gun. So they need to eat, and they need to drink and they generated lots of trash, but they don't have a time for that. So we have to clean some we'll have to clean up that. So I embarked with them. That's how I looked in depth. Yeah.


Zach  05:58

And some people are some people are actually on the other side, right, providing, providing food and drinks, on the one hand, and then there's the people striking, they're being supported. And then you're cleaning up. So it's like a whole ecosystem, whole community of people have different roles. It's very sounds very organized.


Inda Aung Soe  06:20

That's really quite amazing. And what makes me amazed and I think, the whole country, because, you know, no one is a leading this, actually, like in 2007. Or like in 88, there were leaders organizing these events. But in here in 2021, no one is actually leading the supply, or the donations or those cleaning apps, everyone is equally in both trikes, taking their own respective roles, you know, the donors, they be given food, drinks, snacks, and even some medicines and ambulance and everything is ready. And also they are struggling there. And we are collecting the trash and everyone is really, really in the perfect recycle. Amazing, really amazing.


Zach  07:16

Yeah, it sounds very organic, very natural. A whole communal effort of people working together.


Inda Aung Soe  07:24

Yeah. And


Zach  07:27

Pardon me for saying, but in normal situations, Myanmar doesn't seem so organized. And yet, during these times, it's very organized, but in a very beautiful and natural way, like you said, in a very decentralized way. There's nobody leading everyone else, it's just coming naturally from the people.


Inda Aung Soe  07:50

Yeah, that's really amazing. Basically, as you say, Myanmar people are quite disorganized and chaotic. And in this time of difficulty, they can really get together and unite because they know, if we are united to we will win the fight. That's the key point and the motivation to me.


Zach  08:12

Yeah. Where do you think the organization comes from? How do you think it's happening so organically? And so it's kind of, kind of, it's actually a very beautiful phenomenon. I mean, it's, it's amazing, knowing that Burmese culture is not normally so organized, where do you think that coming from? How do people know what to do? Like, how is the puzzle pieces like fitting together and coming together so nicely? Do you have any idea where that were from deep inside? This is coming to everyone? Any idea?


Inda Aung Soe  08:45

Ah, I don't know exactly. But the thing is, like, we have already enjoying the freedom of speech and the internet and the communication is really wide open for six, seven years already. And that taught a lot, but really too much a lot. That's really a leapfrog for the generations now. And they have already quite a lot of things through the internet and through the wide open communications throughout the world. You know, like it before no one has ever had experience in your mom, not Generation Y neither Generation X. Only the generations that they've been, they've been suffering quite a lot. And we've been trying to keep up with them. But we don't we don't want to be left behind them. That's all we have to be really keep trying and they are quite really accepted with the new things and and they are adjustable and adaptive. They're quite fuzzy. So they've been learning a lot, a lot and they've been taking, what is it good and what is suitable to the situation. And quite amazingly, not all day, no one ever in the subtribes wants to react to back to the authorities with the force or weapons. everyone just wants to know, sit peacefully or much peacefully to strike. And everyone has the same mindset like we want. And we don't and we will never reacted back to the authorities in a forceful manner, we will always show our wills and our strikes a peacefully in a peaceful manner. That's amazing. Right?


Zach  10:44

It doesn't sound so much like anger, it sounds just like strength. What do you think about that? Is there a feeling of anger, and if there's not a feeling of anger, what is the feeling that drives like that firm resolve to to be strong, but not to be violent, any ideas?


Inda Aung Soe  11:05

The initial run as they have experiences from 88, and 2007, suffering revolution, so they've known that the military paper is a playing the same old tricks, they will make the word they will make people angry, curious as then, and the ones that the people got curious and a bit more chaotic than they can use the power the weapon on them. So that's what we want, we feel that people, we this time, we are united, and much more clever with the generation zadt. And they know that we don't want to go into the trap, they are trumping us, and we don't go there. And we will always try to be spooly because, you know, the main target is to drop them down, to win the fight. And to win the fight, we are going to use whatever is a global value, a common value, apart from the balance, above from the balance, you know, which means we're going to use and we want to face them to rightly be attacked, if I have been attracted today and enjoy joy in the fight tomorrow without one will lose. So we don't want to happen that day. And if we have 100 people attacking today, tomorrow, either 150 or 200 people. So we want even more and more people. That's why we always know that the belly of each individual, I must not get hot today, and nobody else and must not get hot today, not tomorrow, not every other day, as well as the fight is going on. So we must keep ourselves safe so that we can keep fighting till we can drop the military dark, and it will weaken our democracy back. That is the motivation to me. Yeah,


Zach  13:02

right. It's, it's very clever. And there's some wisdom in it. That's based on experience. It sounds like that there's some reflection on what's happened before and learning from mistakes and not not playing into the trap. Like you said, That's brilliant. Our other generations also involved isn't mostly just the young generation, or is the whole all generations kind of coming in the same? What do you see there?


Inda Aung Soe  13:27

Yes, but fathers are tribes on the streets. And mostly, the younger generation only, like my age is one of the oldest basically, like around 30 that 3540 not more than that. But there are not too many. But still so many people. Every generation says a join in the subtract from their homes, like they've been improving and participating in the CDM civil disobedience and movement, and every other way they can support. And many people have been donating lots and lots and lots of hundreds and 1000s hundreds and 1000s of money to support the CDM as the CDM, who is taking part in the CDM because they be threatened by the military and bind their respective ministries. They would know some of them, they be exiled from the proceedings and they be threatened to not to get any salary by the end of the month, or no those kind of things. So the whole community come together to support them. And also some people be offering them I have a disappointment I have at this house. And anyone can can stay here for maybe a couple of months or whatever, as long as as long as you've been taking part in the CDN and you've been threatened and you being unsafe in your area. come and stay here and come and you know, take a shot First thing, so even if you don't see a bit of much older generations on the street, the match that they've been supporting from the pond, and this time, I like the old times, the parents, they've also willingly let the kids go onto the street. I like our time when we were just kids and our parents won't allow us and you will be arrested, you will be tortured. And you will get killed to ban the military or bind those kind of riots on the streets that don't go. But today, the parents, they support their kids, and believe in you, you can make yourself safe. And I know you will make your home your way back home tonight. So please go and make yourself safe. That's it the parents today that's quite amazing as well. And so every community, from every walks of life, from every backgrounds have been involved in even including some policemen and firefighters and lots and lots of people been really involved in.


Zach  16:08

Right, I saw some policemen actually stepped down and enjoin the strikes themselves. Yeah, yeah. And so you're saying that the whole community is involved? Like, if you take a picture of who's there on the street, it's mostly the young generation, but the support is coming from all sides. And you you mentioned this word CDM. Just for people listening, that means civil disobedience movement, right?


Inda Aung Soe  16:34

Yes, yes.


Zach  16:36

So civil disobedience movement, though, you mean specifically that there's people in like government posts that are refusing to go to work, and this is having a big effect on on the government in the country, it's not running properly. And so this is very important to, to the the military, and then everyone is protecting, offering salaries offering food for these particular people, right. So the civil disobedience is mostly like that kind of action? Is that what you mean?


Inda Aung Soe  17:09

Money Money, people refuse to go to the office and do their parks because they were walking under the government, their own choosing government, but now they don't choose and government was abandoned military. And the military is taking the place. So the military dictators are not the chosen government, that not the leader, they are not the leader, they are not our leader, so we won't listen to them. And we won't participate in the mechanisms will. So we refuse, and we reject, we don't go to the office, and we don't do what we have to do in the offices, especially in the ministries and different ministries. So they've been plugged in, and kind of those things. And the cereals is one of the strongest and apart from movement. And now the military is really, really shaking. And that's why you've been maybe you might probably already seen like a baby Robin, even the goddess Robin, some philanthropic foundations, like a token, the foundations, founded by an RD, National League for Democracy, talking to his, his mother and in her name. They founded an organization called token the foundation, they be doing lots of things and there are hundreds and 1000s of money donated to find the people both inside and outside the country for the best thing for the COVID-19 vaccine, because the government aims to be able to give the COVID-19 vaccine free of charge to the whole country. So they requested to the general public or to contribute to take apart and so the whole community came in together and it donated hundreds of 1000s of money. And the other night the government already took it


Zach  19:09

Wow. And so they've they've stolen money from Shwedagon Pagoda and any anywhere even philanthropic organizations that have a big pool of money they and and then that just seems like it makes their reputation worse. And then on the other side, your behavior, people striking and people protesting the behavior of Mima people is not going down behavior is going up as far as good behavior. So it's a beautiful thing to see.


Inda Aung Soe  19:44

But you know, when I when I said the whole community is taking part in the strike against the military government, but at the same time, there were a pupi there are a few people as well, who thinks that the military is doing the right thing. the right job because the being, you know, somehow brainwashed by the military propagandas, under the name of the protection of the religion under the national identity and things like that, and BC, even some of my old friends, monks, you know, I was a former monk, right, I just came back only three already. So some of my friends, and they've been somehow somehow, with God with the military, government and military dictators, because they think that the military isn't doing the right job to protect the country from, like, some kind of religious attack or following influential things or things like that, it's really, really crazy. They can't see the situation on the streets and what's happening in our streets and homes. Amazing. They don't see it. To be honest, I was to what I was one of them, you know, like, a few years back, I support the Toyota Max, the National paternity Max, and I really am with them, I really was with them, and I fully supported them. But later, slowly, I realized, and some of them, they have a good heart, they mean really good for the country and for the religion, but, you know, with a good heart and the less rational or reasonable thinking. So they are quite easily been brainwashed and overwhelmed by the propagandas. So that then like democratic government, the government is given favor of other religions, and the really matter reliant on the following governments and the following. Those kind of foreign cultures and things have been really do much influential on our governments and things like that to bat. Here, just look at past six, seven years that we we have lived quite peacefully. And even if we don't like the government for this, or for that we have the right of a freedom, the right to make our voice be heard by the government. But on the first day of February, on the day, the military coup, and we lost everything we had, even on that day, the fear that came in into the people's mind, our heart, and the chaotic started, even on that day. So they can just see, you cannot make your own business, you're gonna stay quite peacefully, even if you don't take part in the strike. Or even if you you don't agree with the military government, still, their power will be overwhelming on you. And we even don't believe in the military because of this or like, they will take the ball for a year, but we don't believe what do they mean a year, that might be a decade or maybe even a century if they have enough power? They never they never keep the wards. They never keep the promise. So, yeah, sorry, I was everywhere. Sorry, not disorganized. No problem.


Zach  23:31

What reason? Did they give according to the Constitution, that they can declare a state of emergency, which they did, but what did they say? What was the emergency that they declared? What was the reason they gave for for this move?


Inda Aung Soe  23:50

Ah, what they gave is a like a different vote. The vote the vote, voted this money. Fast fact. Actually, they said because sometimes people who voted like with the one name like 100 times, or some people are already like more than 100 years old, and some people like less than 16 years old or things like that. That's the declaration actually do mine experience and the to the situation right now in Myanmar. We don't have a strong consensus and we don't have a strong statistics in your mind yet. So there might be acute mistakes. There might be Who knows? But in 2015 elections as well, there were a few mistakes with the names and with a list of because We don't have a support statistics and images yet. But still this time, they make it this point. And and they said, this is something really worse. And the really bad, even if the boat is not equal is not the section to talk about. And if someone wants to talk at the other parties should make it their own Bryce Hart. And now the public already, you know, challenge the military. If you think the boat is cheated or being cheated, come on, come come unless it understate the military people or whoever, with against the energy people, and they sit on the stage and the people will stay in front of a stage and we'd give our boat and probably your very eyes. Do you dare to do that? We can do that the public can do that. But do you really dare to do that? Actually, just to make a challenge, if you think the boat is not right, so you can do that. But they don't dare to do that. Yeah. So it does, you know, a false exclamation.


Zach  26:09

Right? So your friends, some of the people, you know, that were very much in the last few years into the nationalist idea, the nationalist movement, and they think military government has done a good job. And what we've talked about in the last 30 minutes is about how good behavior has been very strong, but very well behaved and very organized in the people striking and protesting. And the behavior of the army so far has been going down and obvious to everyone. What do you think it will take to change the minds of those people?


Inda Aung Soe  26:54

Ah, you know, I don't know, with the Internet, and really faster flowing of information, those that propaganda will work on the weak minded people, and those who do not make the white study daily, like, let alone your ma even in us, they have a lot of those propagandas. And now still, lots and lots of money, people still believe in the Trump right. So this theme we cannot avoid, we cannot avoid all we can do is it the reason of it the situation? Let's see the situation under the military government and Alessi the situation under the democratically elected government, be it analogy? or be it another party, whoever, at least you know, even but we don't we don't like we don't say the things in President things. And government is not 100% fully elected government. But still, it was a broader than the military time. So if you're being elected government under the elected government and the US situations always getting better the education and you know, the right to speak and the right to do everything right for you, you can go to bat quite easily peacefully, without any worry about premier passing and the business thing. And diversity, you don't need to worry. But now under the military government, you even kind of go to bat to peacefully, you have to worry who's going to knock your door in the midnight and you will be taken away and a new one. Even your family members or whoever don't know where you're going to be taken. And who knows you might get lost or somewhere just to disappear. You know, those kinds of things. And they have to know like even if some people some have a national list of people that the military is doing the right thing, because they also see the really, really majority of Nimmo people you must civilians have been taking improving in the strikes against the military dictators so they know the power that's why they don't dare to talk about much right at the moment right because isn't like a 9% to 10% is not a problem


Zach  29:23

and what are the specific behaviors of the of the army right now? What What do you see happening?


Inda Aung Soe  29:30

Oh, last night last night, lots and lots of military trucks have been driving coming into town and younger and also even those How do you got that thing? armored trucks or whatever you got that? I don't know in English. The tents Yeah, tanks. Yeah, tanks. Those tanks being drugged driving along younger Street. But you know, this is adjusted the military government about the civilian We are not unto goose, we are no rebellion. We are not fighting the military government with the weapons. We don't have, again, we don't have a nuclear weapon, we don't have anything. We are just you know, showing the pockets, the signs with the Sunday that we want to talk. And we're just imagine on the streets and the city on the street to peacefully for like a day been treating the public with like, they've been treated with the other two groups. Now, this is no war against, you know, between two groups. This is a this is a billion people, the normal people, the military dictatorship, but they've been driving those tanks on the youngest trees. And the last night they were all shooting with the guns in Regina know, everywhere. And yesterday, the beach shooting in Mandalay, and the last week at the beach shooting in Nibiru and there was a kid, she was just there standing and just looking. And someone just you know, specifically pointed the gun out there. And a shot at did dad, that's really amazing. So you got to imagine the situation with the with the military, they've been treating that the civilians and the public as a rebellions as a two groups. This is so shocking. How can they do that? Yeah.


Zach  31:40

I've heard stories about them sending sending people into the communities to effect the water or to burn the houses or mice? I don't know. I only heard secondhand. Can you tell me about what you've seen there? And about that, and then what are people doing about that,


Inda Aung Soe  32:02

ah, don't miss a room more so but at the same time, and then 20,000 23,000 prisoners were released a couple of days ago. And some of them not all, and some of them they were being used by the military government to separate around the younger at night. That's true, you know, they have created a philanthropic roof with the ambulances, or those kind of you know, thing, just to to subtract a gust of the strikes. And with those fake and new lenses, and the sometimes the vehicles, the load, those are prisoners and younger streets, even though our Township, our township is just sub urban township and not the car. And the other night, we had them around our neighborhood, and around the whole young gun, some were being courted by the general public, and they being questioned, when they been questioned, they make personal life video right at the same time. So there they are, re re the money paper, this seems to be just you know, kind of, not in their mind, they be they being you know, poisoned or some kind of drug, some some kind of thing that they are really, and then can treat it with the nakoda some kind of narcotic drugs, so they are not in the normal mind. And some of them with them, they have the glass bottles filled with the loss of is and a piece of cloth in there. And at the top you you make a fire and if you throw it to do a house or somewhere, then you know, in a minute, the father was a brat. But with the war dog poisoning, or these people were talking about I don't know what exactly but with the fire and with those people around younger, is it true now in our streets that we have to make gates and we have to form nightwatch groups to like, you know, everyone has to be watching the night so that we can sleep really, okay and peaceful manner. Otherwise really going to be crazy. And I don't know why right at the same time. Some rumors that I haven't seen it in myself, but some people say that the drones were also roomy over the youngest cars at night, but at the same time they sent out the people. So maybe they might want to show that to the public is right outside on the street with the stakes and you know All we have is a sticks and bamboo sticks that does it. So if someone is in the street, right in the midnight, it would aim to do some harm to the public properties. And the general public have to get around the street. And they have to capture those guys. And they have you asked them the question, but in some places after them, there were a few military trucks as well. So like, and once they've conducted, conducted to the military people, and the trucks will arrive there and wait, I don't know, we'll catch up with Attack of the Bieber. So those are really happening in Yangon. And even in our street, we have to form those nightwatch groups, and we have to do it. hourly duties now. Yeah.


Zach  35:48

I heard also that even some of them were, their heads were shaved, and they were dressed up like monks, did you see any of that? And how do you feel about that?


Inda Aung Soe  35:58

Yes, yes, maybe that's the last part of it, the government, the military government is a blessing, as always, they want to create some kind of religious problems. So like, some of them they shaved their head and the other day, they said, in Mandalay, 200 monks' robes were bought in a day. So and they were being sent with robes and a shaved head, and some of them being caught. But you know, if a public cannot control the anger, and they do some kind of harm on them, then they will make a record of that. And they will spread the message back again to the national list of people like you know, they be even beating the monks, some people like this. And also, then by at the time, there might be a problem between the national list and those who's been striking against the military, then they have a good reason the country is in the chaotic problem and fighting each other. So we have to use a power. That's why we have to use the weapon on the public. So no one can blame. They been looking for a reason, as a strong reason, so that they can use the weapon on the public. They just want to finish these strikes by using force and weapons, but they still can't, because they can't find any reason. And everyone is striking really quite peacefully. That might be one of the propaganda. That's what I feed in now. Yeah.


Zach  37:34

So dressing up people like monks, they're fake monks, but they look like real monks. This is another trap you think, is that right?


Inda Aung Soe  37:43

Yes. But you know, public is not that stupid. And we can differentiate who is it the real monk and who is the fake monk. No, you just shaved your head today, and if you wear the robes, your look is quite obvious! And you're not familiar with wearing the robes, even if you have years of experience in the past, it's not the same. Even my mindset already three years away from the robes, and if I shaved my head today and wear the robes today, then people can differentiate that and just put on the robe today with my look, it's already quite different. And the real monks, they are still somehow different in the looks, we can differentiate who's the real monk who's the fake monk. So that's not going to work! You know, sorry, military, that's not going to work. Yeah.


Zach  38:34

Some of these people have been caught right by the people by the protesters by the strikers. And you say it's a trap, because they're looking for these people to, to beat them or something. So instead, when these people are caught, how are they treated?


Inda Aung Soe  38:55

That's what I'm really impressed with our civilians with our public right now. The other day, they caught a few people and they asked the question, and yeah, of course, some of the public they were really angry at them. So they want they wanted to beat them, but also another side of the public, they are quite peaceful. So everyone is under control. And no one is a being beaten, beat it by the public, and instead to some of them, they prefer to with the rise than the with the food. You know, amazing, really amazing that makes me really, you know, a crime. Those public people they are really clever and a kind hearted because they know these are prisoners and those are troublemakers, they are part of our community and, and also the victims of military dictators and they are just being used. Maybe they might be they might be threatened with their life or they might be treated with a similar code to drugs. While we show our sympathy, we already agreed is a summer, we found that we were trying to catch him or her, and we were trying to treat him quite well. And we will find out to what the motive behind that we won't beat them and we won't attack them, we won't make any harm to them. Instead, we will know in case we found them and we capture one or whatever of them, we will interview them, and we will conduct with the sample kind of, you know, reporters. And in case we have a hold of them, we'll bring them in front of the embassies or whatever the next day, and we will interview them, but we won't, we won't heart them instead of with feet, and it'd be nice to them. That's the mindset of the public right at the moment. And that's how they've been treating with those troublemakers. And the fire makers, you know, in younger, already accumulators have been burned down on them already. But even that they are not beating that. Amazing, right? People are quite really amazing now. Yeah, it


Zach  41:22

is amazing. It's like, it's it's like, victory by kindness. It's a beautiful.


Inda Aung Soe  41:31

Really beautiful.


Zach  41:32

Yeah. So actually, I don't have any more questions, because I don't actually know any more about the situation than what we talked about what we've talked about so far is what I know. Is there. Is there more, do you have any more to share about something happening that we haven't talked about yet?


Inda Aung Soe  41:54

That's all I think. But also, one thing that I want to add is, thank you to the foreigners who's been living in Myanmar, or who had lived in Yuma as well, because that goes to who they will collect the money through their friends, through their communities, so that they can support to the city and people or to the needy people. And even last night to one of my friend, she called me, she told me she had already like $1,200, or something in hand. And as she was to suffer to some basic needs to to the really needy family. And but she doesn't know where to find out. And because I'm a local and because I'm being in bovie in those days, I might know those really, really starving in the public. So she wants to donate to those people with a nice like a rice oil and things like that. And we've been planning that as well. Even if we don't know there are many, many those kind of kind hearted foreigners as well. And Nima they've been really, you know, she said, like she's been a member for a few years and she haven't done anything good yet to be back to the gratitude. That's why she she wants to do something good. Right at the time the country is needed. So like in hoskin, maybe $1,000, maybe $2,000, she collected and she has also contributed, and she wants to contribute to the really needed people. That's really amazing. So thank you to those of us, who is still living in Nima. And also, some of those foreigners who have lived in Myanmar, as well as even not been to Nima. They be surprising. They'd be worrying with us, they've been concerning. And they be almost always with us in mind, even if the body is the way and they've been spreading the message. And they've been make our boys as a heart by the ward. Thank you to them as well, including us, Zach, you've been doing great job. Thank you very much.


Zach  44:01

You're very welcome. And it's it's nice to see that the kindness of the behavior that's happening now is actually attracting more kindness and more generosity. And that's just growing and growing. And my wish is that everyone is safe on all sides. You know, I hope there is wisdom and kindness even Hopefully, it will spread more and more to even the army. I hope that spreads in a beautiful way to everyone and then I hope of course for peace and happiness for for all people. So please, please be safe. Please do what you think is right. And we all we all support what's happening. So yes, I just want to send my good wishes to you and everyone, everyone there.


Inda Aung Soe  44:48

Thank you. Thank you very much. Now we know what our target and what our goal is. So we will go to our goal till we reach in a peaceful manner and in a peaceful Well, you know, right now kind of we are helpless, but helpless, no problem, we can stick the fight on. And if we feel like hopeless, then we're gone. So we don't, and we won't, and we will never, ever lose our hope. And we will be keep hoping and fighting for the light to shed light on our darkness. just fall in Yama, thank you very much for your support and for the rest of the ward as well for being with us. With me, Mr. Peavey, thank you very much.


Host  45:39

I'd like to take this time to offer sincere gratitude for those listeners who have supported our effort. Thank you. Without your generous contribution, we would not be able to do what we're doing. And if you've not yet donated, we'd like to take a moment to remind everyone that our work is 100% listener supported. In fact, no team member receives full remuneration for their work. Some volunteer their time, while others offer a large discount for their professional services. But even so, every episode we produce has a cost. Any contribution of any amount that you make towards Insight Myanmar, will allow us to continue our work and pump out more content for meditators related to the Dhamma in the golden land. If you would like to join in our mission to share the Dhamma from the cold and land more widely. We welcome your contribution in any form of currency or transfer method. every cent goes immediately and directly to sustaining the programming. 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Also, please check out our website for a list of our complete episodes including additional text videos and other information at www dot Insight that's Insight Myanmar one word i en si gh t MYA and M AR. If you cannot find our feed on your podcast player, please let us know and we will ensure that it can be offered there. There was certainly a lot to talk about in this episode, and we'd like to encourage listeners to keep the discussion going. Make a POST request specific questions and join in our discussions on the Insight Myanmar podcast Facebook group. You are also most welcome to follow our Facebook and Instagram accounts by the same name of Insight Myanmar. And if you're not on Facebook, you can also message us directly at Burma That's b u r ma d h a And we're also active on the Dharma wheel. If you'd like to start up a discussion group on another platform, let us know and we can share that forum here. Finally, we're open to suggestions about guests or topics for future episodes. So if you have someone or something in mind, please do be in touch. We would also like to take this time to thank everyone who made this podcast possible, especially our two sound engineers, Martin combs and darnay. There's of course that Kessler content collaborator and part time co host, Ken pranskey helps with editing. Drago spent DITA and Andre Francois produce original artwork and a special Mongolian volunteer who was asked to remain anonymous does our social media templates. We'd also like to thank everyone who assisted us in arranging for the guests we have interviewed so far. And of course, we send a big thank you to the guests themselves for agreeing to come and share such powerful personal stories. Finally, we are immensely grateful for the donors who made this entire thing possible. We also remind our listeners that the opinions expressed by our guests are their own and not necessarily reflective of the host or other podcast contributors. Please also note as we are mainly a volunteer team, we do not have the capacity to fact check our guests interviews. By virtue of being invited on our show there's a trust that they will be truthful and not misrepresent themselves or others. If you have any concerns about the statements made on this or other shows, please contact us. This recording is the exclusive right of Insight Myanmar podcast and may not be used without the expressed written permission of the podcast owner, which includes video audio written transcripts and excerpts of any episodes. It is also not meant to be used for commercial purposes. On the other hand, we are very open to collaboration. So if you have a particular idea in mind for sharing any of our podcasts or podcast related information, please feel free to contact us with your proposal. As you know, our podcasts are 100% listener supported, we welcome your contribution in any amount, denomination and transfer method you may give via slash Insight Myanmar via slash Insight Myanmar are by credit card by going to Insight slash donation. In all cases, that's Insight Myanmar one word I N si gh T, NY and Mar. If you'd like to give especially to support our new run of Coronavirus episodes, please go on the GoFundMe site and search Insight Myanmar to find our campaign. If you are in Myanmar and would like to give a cash donation please feel free to get in touch with us. Thanks and see you next show.

Shwe Lan Ga LayComment