A Request for Rice: How Just $29 Can Help!

The past several months have seen devastating assaults in the area around Thandaung, a resort town located in Karen state. Many people have had to flee their homes, and are now struggling to survive on the run or being housed in temporary IDP camps. In addition to the ongoing violence and instability, people are facing severe food shortages as well. 

Making a bad situation worse, the cost of living has skyrocketed, with the price of essential commodities such as food and fuel nearly out of reach for many. The average cost of a single 49kg bag of rice is now 60,000 kyats ($29), which is more than the monthly income of many refugees who have already lost everything.

Requests for support have been made to our local contacts, which we are relaying here. A contribution of any size would be so helpful in this time of need! Our local team is committed to providing food aid, specifically in the form of bags of rice. We hope to provide enough rice for 800 refugees which can last for at least the next two months.

If we have sufficient support, our team will oversee the project and work closely with local community leaders to ensure that the rice is distributed fairly and efficiently. We will also collect feedback from the refugees to be sure that they are receiving the aid allotted to them, and to make adjustments to our approach as necessary.

Better Burma remains committed to supporting long-term solutions that address real needs caused by of the conflict and instability in Myanmar. We believe that everyone deserves to live in a peaceful and democratic society, and we are working to promote human rights, social justice, and democracy there.