The Heartbreaking Story of a Herdsman in Sagaing Division

Despite the fierce fighting that rages on every day across the Sagaing Division, local people must still find a way to obtain food. Many have been forced to sell their belongings, rely on donors, or flee the area altogether. The local economy has suffered greatly as well, with crops being burned and destroyed.

It was in this desperate and chaotic environment that a hired herdsman found himself herding a group of emaciated cows, hoping to sustain himself and survive the ravages of war. This man was simply trying to feed himself, but what happened to him next was beyond comprehension.

Soldiers, who in most countries around the world are charged with protecting the people, approached this herdsman and for no discernible reason, labeled him a terrorist. They began to beat him mercilessly with their shoes, using him as a punching bag. The herdsman pleaded with them, telling them that he was just trying to provide for himself, but the soldiers refused to listen.

Things went from bad to worse when a high-ranking soldier tied the herdsman's hands behind his back and moved to set him on fire, proclaiming, “He is a terrorist, we need to burn him!" The flames quickly engulfed the man's body, and nearby items caught fire as well.

When the soldiers finally retreated, local people who were hiding nearby rushed to help the herdsman, who was barely clinging to life. The flames had burned half of his body, leaving him with severe injuries that would take a long time to heal. It was a miracle that he had even survived at all.

The herdsman was taken to a nearby refugee camp, where doctors did their best to save his life. He endured immense pain as he fought to recover from the extensive burn injuries that he had sustained. The road to recovery was long and difficult, but the herdsman remained determined to overcome this tragedy and continue on with his life.

This incident is a tragic reminder of the senseless violence and suffering that occurs in times of war. It is a call to action for all of us to stand up against such brutality and work towards a world where people can live in peace and security, without fear of violence or harm.

The one silver lining of this story is that it is thanks to the generosity of our many donors who have offered a contribution, and continue to believe in our mission here at Better Burma, we have been able to continue to provide aid in the form of food, medicine, water, and temporary housing to IDP and refugee camps across the country. As difficult as these stories are to hear, we express enormous gratitude for all our supporters who have donated something which allows us to help at this critical time.

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