Monastic Schools in Need

The following report comes from our local team leader, who is currently in the process of a needs assessment of the urgent needs of monastic schools across the Sagaing Division. He has only been able to complete this work based on the generous contributions of our donors, and we humbly request if one may further give a donation of any kind, so that we can give more aid to those students now in need.

We have been collecting the detailed information about the list of actual specific needs in the most hard-hit areas (e.g. what items they urgently require: rice or stationery, etc., and how many whiteboards/rice sacks they direly need, etc.) depending upon each monastic school's respective situation. During our detailed information collection process, we are also inviting the chief/presiding monks of the beneficiary monastic schools to come and receive our contributing items.

Due to the recent increase in the number of students and children who have come from Sagaing Region currently, we will carefully oversee the list of proposed items by each monastic school as per their needs, checking within the budget as we can contribute. For example, some monastic schools have accommodated about 200 new/more children/students from the other monastic schools in Sagaing Region due to the instability in the latter ones' areas. We have observed and witnessed how many students are now being provided with accommodation in the actual classrooms, due to insufficient area of space to be found anywhere else—this is how many students are in dire need now! We will manage to be able to support these monastic schools as much as possible this time with the resources available.

It is difficult for me to find a way to express my extreme gratitude to those international meditators who have made a contribution to support these monastic schools during our hard period now, which are important in Myanmar's history and education, and now serve a couple of thousands of children.