How a table in Berlin is helping activists in Yangon

We are just so delighted to hear what Sofia spent her first Saturday of June doing in Berlin. A meditator who has been closely following the situation in Myanmar with concern, she has been thinking over this time what she can do to give back. In addition to making a video and helping out on our podcast episodes, she was still looking for more ways to support the many people now in very difficult circumstances.

So today, she set up a table at an event in Silent Rixdorf and sold such products as honey, jewelry, soap, and vegan sweets, with all proceeds going towards the Better Burma nonprofit. As many groups are now in urgent need of funds, every little bit helps, and we’re just so grateful that those German shoppers who acquired these beautiful products will also go towards helping so many people now in critical need as the military takeover enters its 5th month.

Sofia’s work also reminds us that everyone can do something, no matter how big or small, according to our circumstances and availability. If others wish to start local fundraisers in your community, whether online or in person, let us know and we are happy to share it!
