A Return to the Yangon Zoo
On a recent post, we reported the dire situation that one of our volunteers reported the animals being in at the Yangon Zoo. Thankfully, we were able to collect some funds from readers and send them to support the food and welfare of the animals. Last week, our volunteer returned, doing so only when it was assumed safe from military presence in the streets these days.
The management reported that with attendance numbers down to the extent that they are, and whatever funds they have susceptible to military seizure at any time, the animals continue to be a in a very precarious place. Most of the nearby shops that sell food for the animals are closed, and not all zoo workers are continuing to show up.
The visitor was heartbroken to see the animals, particularly the carnivores like tigers and lions, visibly starving and seeming to beg the visitors to throw some kind of food for them for their survival. Even more heartbreaking, some cages, particularly the bird pavilions, are now empty, indicating the growing deaths the zoo is now facing daily.
Any donation given to help the zoo animals that you designate for this purpose, we will send through our volunteer urgently.