Brutalizing doctors, stealing medicine

The story of how depraved and sinister this Burmese military continues to be only sickens and horrifies us in new ways.

We were in touch with a team of medical volunteers in Mandalay who provide free medicine and ambulances to those in need. The Tatmadaw has shown particular disdain for doctors and nurses, targeting them for excessive punishment in crowds, thus making their jobs many times more challenging, as Coco explained on a recent podcast.

This particular team in Mandalay saw its clinic raided and destroyed by soldiers, who then stole all of their medical supplies, so as to prevent them from providing aid to the civilians they are in the process of assaulting. The generals, in other words, claim the right to harm and maim their own civilians as they choose, without interference from medical professionals who try to thwart their efforts by providing relief to those in dire need after this brutality. This is no different than other recent practices we have seen of burning rice stores, poisoning water supplies, and confiscating donations to poor areas. To see this evil so openly trying to rip out its own country’s insides is horrifying.

Thankfully, your donation provided relief. Although the leader of this volunteer medical team is in hiding, as the military is intent on ensuring its own people receive no support of any kind, he has been rebuilding his stocks even while underground. Your donation funds gave them at least a little lifeline to begin to purchase equipment and supplies in the terror that all know is still to come. These photos show what he was able to purchase through your kind contribution.

They thank you sincerely for your generosity, although as any reader of these posts now knows, the need remains critical and urgent. Please do what you can to share this news within your community to help our fundraising efforts.
