The Yangon Zoo

We all know how terrible the humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Myanmar today, and most of our fundraising has been going to help these besieged communities as much as possible. As society continues to break down, the ramifications of this fallout affect every segment of the population, including those animals that rely on a functioning human society for food, medicine, and other care.

With this in mind, some animal-loving donors have requested to send funds to assist those creatures who are equally affected, yet far more dependent. Towards these ends, we have made contact with the Yangon Zoo and have applied this donation to their care.

The Yangon Zoo informed us they currently have 1,400 animals in its charge. However, the carnage and chaos the military has unleashed in the city has prevented the usual funds and personnel needed to properly attend to the animals. At the moment, tragically, there is not even enough food to feed all the animals, and caretakers simply have no idea how to keep many of them alive.

We are happy that these donors have remembered their animal friends and made a small contribution to caring for them in these difficult times. For those who would also like to support this mission, please be in touch.