A cry for help in Nyaungshwe

Another day, another urgent request from another group facing yet another critical moment of survival. As generous as many of you readers have been, the urgency continues to batter us with yet more pain and suffering where further funds will make a difference.

Today we bring you to Nyaungshwe, what was until recently a very pleasant Shan town known for its surprisingly good coffee, American breakfasts, and being a backpacker haven for treks into Kalaw, Inle Lake, and other such places. You may also remember Nyaungshwe being referenced in the enthralling recent interview with Bhikkhu Mokkhita,

As if Nyaungshwe didn’t have its own share of trouble already, it is now facing even more serious problems as the brutal military assaults in nearby Kayah State, particularly in Moe Byal and Phae Khone villages, have resulted in thousands of refugees feeling for safety.

They are trying to care for them, but this is made more difficult by soldiers’ presence in Nyaungshwe as well, and the detainment and harassment of that all young males in the area are facing, necessitating their going into hiding as well. The needs for medicine, food, and other necessary items is now overwhelming as the military is coming to put the entire region in a chokehold, and slowly residents are feeling suffocated as outside access is being shut off.

Any support you can provide for our teams bringing in relief goods will be greatly appreciated by these people now under such duress.