The street dogs of Yangon

There are an estimated 100,000 street dogs in Yangon, Myanmar. They are a common sight, and can be found roaming in packs or alone. Most are thin and mangy, and many have visible injuries.

The street dogs of Yangon are a symbol of the city's neglect and poverty. They are a reminder of the thousands of people who live on the streets, and the millions more who live in poverty.

The street dogs are also a reminder of the violence that is a part of life in Yangon. They are often seen fighting over food, and their injuries are a testament to the brutality of their lives.

Despite all of this, the street dogs of Yangon are not without their own kind of beauty. They are resilient and resourceful, and they have adapted to a life that most of us would find unimaginable.

They are a part of the city, and a part of its heart.