Snakes on a Burmese plane

In Myanmar, it is not uncommon for snakes to slither onto airplanes. The country’s flag carrier, Myanmar Airways International, has had to deal with the problem on more than one occasion.

In 2016, a snake was found on a Myanmar Airways International flight from Yangon to Kuala Lumpur. The snake, which was about a foot long, was found in the overhead bin. The flight crew managed to safely remove the snake and the flight continued on to its destination.

In 2017, another snake was found on a Myanmar Airways International flight. This time, the snake was found in the lavatory. The flight was heading from Yangon to Mandalay. The snake was safely removed and the flight continued without incident.

While it is not clear how the snakes end up on the airplanes, it is believed that they may be stowaways. Snakes are often found in the cargo hold of airplanes, where they can go undetected. It is possible that the snakes are somehow getting into the cargo hold and then making their way out into the passenger cabin.

Whatever the case may be, it is clear that Myanmar Airways International has a snake problem. The airline is taking steps to try to prevent snakes from getting on its planes, but it has not been entirely successful. For now, passengers will just have to be on the lookout for snakes when they fly.

Shwe Lan Ga Lay