Transcript: Episode #219: Revolt, Rebuild, Rebirth
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Host 0:15
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Brad 1:31
just. And welcome back, everybody. Today we are hearing directly from the horse's mouth for national unity government itself, we have a very esteemed guest here to cover a range of topics around the conflict as it exists right now. And also the increasingly optimistic view that everyone in the international community and indeed everyone in the pro democracy can be Myanmar has for the country. Join. So I would like to welcome you to the program. Thank you for coming and give you the opportunity to introduce yourself for our audience. Thank
Kyaw Zaw 2:17
you so much for giving me the opportunity. My name is Joseph, I'm the spokesperson for the Office of the President, national unity government, Ben Moore. And I'm very excited to be on this episode. Thank you. Thank you for having me.
Brad 2:34
Thank you for giving us your time. So let's let's start with the biggest story Operation 1027. So we've got massive, massive front, pushing in from around Shan state against the military. The military's been retreating for some time. Everyone's talking about it. So what what can you tell us about Operation 1027 and the the, let's say the revolutions instead?
Kyaw Zaw 2:56
Yeah, this is a very exciting moment for us and for resistant forces. And the nice as you mentioned, the 1027 is a is a is like a military military was such a surprise, I believe. And then also the revolution. It shows that revolution forces strength, unity and coordination, launched this disarm the massive the offensive across Myanmar, not only the northern Shan State at the same time, and that this operation should show demonstrates that our weak, weakened state of the military, and the how military is fragile, how military is collapsing. And the many performed prior to that last year if asked that many observer analysis, there was a major military too strong to these four and apart we say that military were fought definitely military is literally is collapsing this operations does is a showpiece of that how we can stave off the military. So that this 1027 operation operation 1027 launched by the three brotherhood that is MNDA poken tnla. Tata on a Oracle RAC high, they did launch that operation in northern Shan State, the soon and it's this is kite This is a coordinated offensive. That's why the the other regions and the states across Myanmar, and that resistor forces coordinated, coordinated attack against the military forces across Myanmar. So within a month, over 200 military bases, most of them are strategically important military bases for for the regime or Hunter. That's and then also at least dozens of towns fall into the process of forces. So this is another, more importantly, of the military surrender by better leaders and after the battle is. So that's, that's this is the unprecedented time, and that this is a turning point in this revolution. So it shows that the we are winning, and we are fighting together, and then military collapsing, and the military will fail, and that this revolution will be succeed. Yes. And this is all of this. This is this is a time that people are power, and the unity and strength and coordinated efforts. And it's, it's it's a week, we are proving that we are the most rated.
Brad 5:50
So let's talk a little bit about this. Because, you know, 2021, we had a lot of respected authors, a lot of respected journalists and analysts talking about how strong the Myanmar military is and how difficult a revolution would be. And the Myanmar military used to be considered. The I mean, it was the second largest military in continental Southeast Asia, after Vietnam, the Commodore had for a very long time been talking about this 500,000 size as their objective, they claim to have about 400,000 before the coup, and now we're seeing, you know, battalions surrendering, and these battalions only have 120 men in them. And they're just giving up their bases, and the analysts all of a sudden have changed. And they're saying, well, now the military will suddenly lose what what's happened in two years, that that has changed this military from being one of the biggest in Southeast Asia to to just a series of failures.
Kyaw Zaw 6:53
The Myanmar country itself, so under the military dictatorship for tickets, 60 years, over 60 years. So the military is a so institution to organize institution in the mall. So people thought that is a very strong is not the strongest institution. And then also the top priority, even prior to the revolution, the military portrayed themselves as strong, but actually the military itself is a very weak. The reason is that, that that fighting power of the military is getting weak. The reason is that the military itself is became the corrupt, corrupted organization, the people join the military, especially the officers and above, and generals, for their own personal benefits. And they making the thought that they can make a lot of money, and fortune. And then so instead of focusing on the ability to fight, they focus on their wealth, that's how the military is corrupted. And then that's all military is disorganized, in in, on the surface, it may look like the organized institution, but inside, they are fighting each other. So that, and also the number that you mentioned 400,000 500,000. That number was inflated by the communists and generous themselves, for example, battalion commanders, and that they could manage they could have inflated the number, and they collected the salaries of the those soldiers and record files. And, and instead of, for example, let's say that are supposed to be each batteries have bought 500. In the past, actually the seven hundreds are similar 50 in each battery aliens, and lately are before the group, maybe about four, four or 500. But the actual strength maybe 200 300. And that they inflated the numbers. And after the after the mod revolutions. They being they they've been receiving a lot of casualties. And then a lot of a lot of man's do are deserted the capaces so that's how that do you see the like say that the pedaling uphill battle is we have 100 100 plus men and a fighting force. So so that's how the military is weak. And then this this you have a lot of fighting all the heavy equipments and the planes that are fight fighters and all heavy other realities that resist our forces do not have. So but more most importantly, that they are demoralizing right now. Once they know that they are fighting they have I tend to dead for further reason, or for no reasons. And that they know that they are failing, they will lose, they have so so that they demoralizing. So that's why that out there easily they surrender, that even the full barrel lens and are on the on the ground, the battlefield. And the whole battle has been wiped out by the resistant forces. And after the turn December, it became more apparent. So that's how that got down the observers are shocked to see, oh, my gosh, and then military is so weak, and then not it may not have a 400,000, as you said 200 years ago, or it may now have only about less than 100,000 fighting force, or even some, some even say about 80,000. So who knows, but definitely what we know. And the what is the truth is that military is weaker than it portrayed in a few years ago, military weaker, not only weaker, militaries collapsing, and then a lot they internally, they can see the crack among themselves. And then they they are sacrificing their rank advice for the handful of correct Gen. Generals, the top generals, for them greed of the power and the world.
Brad 11:32
So then, we let's let's talk a little bit about these defections, because that's been something that has also been fascinating and has changed. Initially, the word that I was receiving was that although some people were defecting, it was more common for soldiers to simply desert run back to their home villages and try to hide. And the defections were predominantly coming from supporting units, the less combat oriented units. And initially in the first two years of the revolution, the light infantry divisions who are famous for the war crimes, particularly 22 Second 33rd 77th 99th. They they were not defecting at all. They they stood fast, and they, you know, continued carrying out their terrorist offensives. But now we're seeing Light Infantry Division battalion surrendering. What What can why would they be defecting? And what can a defecting soldier expect? Are they can they expect to be put on trial? Can they expect to be investigated? What what what is waiting for them if they defect,
Kyaw Zaw 12:44
further the factors. And in the they we will work while we we already announced that we'll work on the warmly or the we are asking them to leave that military Hunter and that they have a military junta is that the only the country like you just mentioned that terrorizing the country, terrorizing the people of Cuba, arising the civilians. So those units be use to terrorize the civilians, and then it will force to do that a war crimes on behalf of the junta. So yes, the soldiers will have will have to obey the orders from the above. But soldier doesn't need to do that. If then, if they leave, that are the terror terrorists military. So that's why that we we are encouraging them to do the CDM if not simply deserted, if or defaulted to the revolution site. So we will welcome them warmly. And as you can see that we were given them accommodation even not only military personnel ratifies and but also to their families. And now we are we are encouraging military, police and their militia to leave the junta and change the sight to the people side, this way that they they will correct the past mistake. And then not only they can This is the only way to create an only way to guarantee their lives and their family, family lives. And because otherwise, the you can see that there are previous previous fightings and then the military has been wiped out. The hundreds of hundreds of wrangler fighters were killed, and even the high ranking officials are being killed not only battalion commanders, but also the divisional commanders and the major even the major generals was killed So, so that the end not only by switching the sight of the people not only save their own lives and their families, but also and that they can be part of the the restructuring or rebuilding of the nation after this, after this successful revolution, we have to build the country. And that so they can be the part of the part of the force to rebuild the country for the peaceful, prosperous, new Federal Democratic Union.
Brad 15:37
And so talking about the unity here, with regards to 1027. And this is apparently the most successful major offensive that we have seen to date. We keep hearing about the three brotherhood Alliance, right, the, as you said, the MNDA, the tnla, and the American army. Now, we're also seeing efforts made on all fronts against the military. To what extent is Operation 1027, a three brotherhood Alliance operation, and to what extent is this a unified effort among the different PDFs and the different iOS?
Kyaw Zaw 16:15
As I mentioned, at the beginning, and the tundra D seven, launched by the three brotherhood a DNL, the MO D. And that if you can look at that, the statement from the 10 to the 70, issued a statement on October 27. That clearly mentioned about the objectives, the key objectives are to get it out of military dictatorship from Myanmar was more and more enter also, that are to end the transnational crimes organized scam, that be becoming that lucrative business for military. And they are allied militia and border guards. So this debris server operation is not just simply ordinary military operation, this is a military operation with a political objective of to end up military dictatorship in Myanmar, for once for all, so this is a coordinated operation that you can see, even in northern chance state, yes, dominant forces and leading leading forces up MRDA in kochen, area, and tnla in town area, and AE is part of the they'll come the part of the Brotherhood, that not only those three, the arm, the ethnic revolution of organizations, but also PDFs and that also that other resistant revolutionary forces like ppl APL II, many, many resistant forces trying fighting together in knowledge and stay and that this has not happened overnight, or two, three days preparation, this size of the operations prepare for quite some time. And then as you can see, that are there soon after the 10th and the seventh. And then we have we have the coordinated military offensive in other states and regions, like get chain supply chain guarantee guarantee at an industry so and so forth. So and then quickly, the revolutionary forces overrun the military bases. And then also that tones that important strategically important tones from the art of military we were able to vibrate, and other people started enjoying the freedom in those towns in the areas. So this is uh, I wanted some initially people some people say that oh, this is the three brother operation. But now that you can clearly see that this is not just a free bro operation. This is an operation that the resistant forces coordinating and then fighting together. And for example, like in weather, we were able to capture the first district level town in Saigon region calling and under the number one Military Region come in and then comment with the key leadership and then also the PDF and a so and so for the we fought together we coordinated the military operations. So, this is this is unprecedented unity that we have in Myanmar. And then this is this is how that we we all are united against a common enemy, which is which is a military dictatorship. We are fighting. Now for the regime change. We are fighting for the system change We are fighting for the leadership change. We are fighting for the system change the male line. We don't want to replace men. All right? We're not a military dictator. We want to replace military dictatorship with the January fed well, democracy.
Brad 20:19
And so you even talk about these places and these people that have been liberated. So let's let's focus on the civilian side of things here. What is life like and how is life different for people living in regions that have been liberated and people who are living in regions that are still notionally under military control?
Kyaw Zaw 20:38
Military military is terrorizing the country, across country since the station group on February 1 2021. And at first they, they terrorize people in the cities, peaceful demonstrators, they killed our peaceful Tomasi demonstrator, mostly the young people, students. And that's how the people pick up the arms and resist it to defend their towns and their villages. And the energy as a legitimate government of Myanmar, that we have a responsibility to protect our people and our country, from the terrorist military. That's how the Ministry of Defense and Modi as the form that our PDF, or the organizer videos, that we have the military Kodo contracts. And we found that with yours in the we train the PDR forces with a wait time for to the our partners er rows, and that the train is supported. And unlike our three brothers is three brother who is our trusted partner, and unlike other Yahoo's also our partners in this revolutions. So that's that that is why that the people, people resist it against the military, to end the terrorists military and to gather to get the freedom back. And then, yes, our country is, like I mentioned the term rise for the military. Either, either whether you live in the town or the villages, and that they kept rising everywhere. So library area now that we have the library area that our country areas, and then we started forming that people administrations, and that's providing that the government has services. And and also that the the restoration or ROI, or those are the people living under the military control area, especially in the cities, they live in the terror, and that they Libyan terrorist every day. And then so that's a to do major difference. That law, but one thing is that under the military control areas, and that they have to be afraid of our military, the and then they could be arrested for no reason. Or they could be killed, or they could be kept up, they could be torture, they could well, and this for many, many of them were well arrested for the ransom. And so there's no law and order. So our control resistant control area, those areas that you can start to see that we have that people administration to form with a local leadership, and also the defense forces or protect protecting those areas for attack from the military. That area is military. And then we have the police forces, that we found the police forces to restore the law in order and the judicial sector also that we started forming that so but still, we have to be very careful military has that air power. So that that that's a danger of for the civilians, doesn't matter where they live in weather resistant control area or library area or the military control area. And then God those those those are airstrikes are mainly targeted to the civilian targets, and even the religious facilities, schools and schools and hospitals. So the two major different thing is that the as we liberated more area, as we expanded more control areas, and a week, we could and we are as population, the administration's and then there's a pace Under federal democracy charter that we all agree on. And but this, this is a time this is a time that revolution time, and then not just a regular time to build that government administration services, but that we are doing very innovative way. And with the people support, and then those those administrative services, not only the protecting the trying to protect from people from the military, but also delivering the government services. And that taught in the towns like that the municipality services, and then also like our healthcare services, and then education. And as simple as trying to restore the electorate cities, and trying to restore the communication, that are all infrastructures, almost all the infrastructure was being destroyed, or the military. So that's, that's what that we are working towards. And then some, I will say that this is a most innovative revolution in the war history that you may remember. And then the we we are fighting against a powerful military force now with the air and sea and attorney. But at the same time, we are administering and providing the government services with a very limited resources in the West very limited international support.
Brad 26:31
So I just want to focus on this a little bit like you mentioned, the airstrikes. Now, what we have been hearing for some time, is that the military is having difficulty securing jet fuel and the military is having difficulty securing replacement parts for its aircraft. Have you seen or have you noticed any decline in the airstrikes by the military? Or are they continuing to do the same things that they were doing in 2021 2022?
Kyaw Zaw 26:57
So we were hopeful that with the international community, our especially the democratic countries, imposing the sanctions against the Jeffrey was, but this is not that the worldwide sanctions, this is a limited selection for the few countries, a few leading countries. And we are very thankful for that. Yes, we can see that are they they will have the difficulty in obtaining those type viewers, but they still have a lot of loopholes and that they may pay the higher prices, they may have to pay the higher prices because of the sanction and the but they still get in through. So, we need to close all the loopholes and that yes team they are having the final difficulty in their finance that they clearly see that that they are for example, right now, they don't even give that offering Ha's to import the companies are for important than fuel oil, I mean, regular fuels. So that they have to they have to use that that dollar from the black market. So that but they are consolidating the all the available resources for the military. For example, jet fuels, and a lot of manufacturing those bombs or acquiring more heavy weapons, they have to rely more and more on heavy at already and the airpower in in Rakhine State, you can see that they are using the warships, net Navy, our Navy warships and free gates, they attack at the cities and towns. Because I'm on the Chrome that infantry units are collapsing, they don't have a fighting powers. So in order to support that infantry units, and then the military using more air powers and the heavy arteries, so that I will say that they are still able to fly the the jets and attack helicopters to kill the civilians. And as of I can see that some reports that xyzzy the very disturbing video from the northern chance take that they are dropping the cluster bombs in the towns against the civilians so that remember that they are receiving the support military support from Russia and the Russians are supplying those of the fighter jets and the spare parts. And then Russian pilots are even training the Burmese pilots in Myanmar. And there's some some rumors or I hope that there'll be rumors that some reports or some Reports are indicating that Russian pilots are flying the jets, and they're dropping the bombs. But we couldn't confirm yet. But for sure, Russian pilots are in Myanmar, training those terrorists, military pilots are to kill the civilians. And the Russians are providing a supplying parts training, and then the hot waves. So that unfortunately, the military is still able to fly that the Air Force jet fighters in the attack on helicopters like mi 35. We need that UN, ASEAN and the world community to make sure that they would the to, to pen, the arms, arms embargo, and then gesture embargoes against the military junta.
Brad 30:59
And I do want to come back to what the international community could be doing and what the international community should be doing in a second, but I do want to circle back, you, you spoke about in the liberated areas, you spoke about the restoration of law and order. And I think that's a topic that we don't speak about enough. We generally have an understanding that in situations where there is Civil War, where there is a collapse of government, we can look around the world to you know, examples right now in Ethiopia examples in Ukraine examples in Syria, we tend to see high levels of crime, we tend to see decline in safety. And we tend to have a situation where it doesn't matter who's in charge. Life for the civilians is pretty difficult. Now, restoration of Law and Order is one of the most difficult things that that a government can do during a conflict and even after a conflict. What does that look like under the national unity government how how much law and order has been restored to these liberated territories?
Kyaw Zaw 32:06
Yes, that we are working with our ethnic allies to restore the following orders in our control areas. And then, like I mentioned, we already set up the people administration across Myanmar, and under a new T saga that 170 damage level people administration's and then we are setting up the district level, the People's administration interim administration, as we expand our territory controls, to be effectively providing the covered services, restoring law and order, and also the justice system. And then in ethnic minority ethnic regions, ethno states that, remember that we are our ultimate goal is our objective is to build a genuine Federal Democratic Union. So based on that Federal Democratic Charter, and we are working everything on based on that immigrants federal democracy charter. And then, for example, in currently states that the grid system forces control the vast majority of current states. Even now, it's a way of fighting to capture the current state capitol, why call and then are we now outside of the record area or the military base has been captured and by the resister forces, and then now we are fighting in the city. And we we are controlling over half of the city right now in Reichle. And so let me go back to that administration. In current state, we have the interim set. Executive console, that's an interim state government to managing the state affairs, like like other countries, like federal democracy country, like in Florida, in the United States, and then this is a state government. So this, and then now they are coordinating with a new team. And then so that they are building, they're not building. They have the state police force to restore lawyer aura, they're expanding police force, and also that are building that party. They they have a weird state justice system, the court and so so those are the despite of that military, or the the the call for calls that we we have the supplies were doing that the humanitarian assistance, provided the humanitarian assistance to the displaced people, and then offered libraries in those areas and we capture from the terror It's military, that revolution forces, the local administration, civil administration teams coordinating to bring back those displaced people back to their homes, and the many our homes are destroyed by the military and fight to rebuild those of their properties and stuff. And the same things that happen in cross country. In, for example, in the Chi region, that Pauline district home, and the men or the military destroyed all the communications and electricity services, we, our teams are trying to build rebuild us or communication and atrocities. And then also that we tried to run the banking system there, because those are banks, state banks and our private banks. And we have even before the we already have that up directive, for the banking, we have the insurance, central banks, and then the we have debris policy and directives, how to how to run those banks, how to how to make the system medically, so so and so forth. So the every area that we are working on the efficiently as possible. And the biggest challenge is that we have so many displaced people, many, many people have to leave forced to leave their homes. And so that many of them when they return back to our homes, and many of them still stay in the jungle or nearby villages. And that those people we we have to help, we need help to support those people to rebuild their lives back to normal lives. And so those those are the those are the things that we are expanding our government services. And in the States at the state, also ethnic regions, also they are working towards the interim, the administration, for example, the recent days, the mid knows who can announce that administration services in their newly liberated towns and areas so that all that as a military is taxes and other civil that local administration follows to make sure that there's no collapse or the law in order to call your order already collapsed by the terrorist military, we are rebuilding and restoring the law in order. So that as the as we win that more territory militarily, and then we we Are we our administration services are the follow behind that. And then we we are making we are running effectively as as much as possible.
Brad 37:54
So on this theme, then, like of interim administration, interim administration, obviously, is designed to give way to permanent administration. So you know, where we're being told all sorts of numbers, but basically, at this point, all of the analysts agree, even if they can't say when the fall of the military is guaranteed, they're losing too many men too fast, too much territory, they cannot maintain it, they cannot come back. So if the junta falls tomorrow, or whenever they fall, what is the new G going to do to transition from interim administration to stable long term permanent administration? Without these concerns that we've we've been hearing from all sides that the various ethnic organizations and the ethnic controlled territories might want to separate gain complete independence, begin fighting against the UG lead to a disintegration of the country and so on? What is the plan for transition to a democratic, single unified Myanmar?
Kyaw Zaw 38:58
And then first of all, I would like to mention that I agree with you that the military you were definitely for like most almost all observers saying you're saying that right. Now, second thing that I would disagree with some some observers worry about that resistance revolution forces might fighting each other or test integration of the country, it would not happen. It will be new normal will be stronger, the peaceful and more united Myanmar. The reason that I will give you the reasons if you can see that on the ground, either we are fighting together as one first coordinated June and then we are in June unit unity most United time in our history. And some people will say that yes, people that yes, you guys are united. Due to a fight against a common enemy, that's why you will enter after that with your comment, and then we go on, and then people will put their own interests. That's a normal, that people have their own interests, there's nothing wrong with that. And that each group has their own interest is nothing wrong with it. But everybody in Myanmar doesn't matter a new G, or LTF, or PDF or E Oro, everybody agree that we new normal will have to be united as strong Federal Democratic Union that guarantee equality and self determination and justice for all that support including growing and ethnic minorities, religious minorities, and then none of the groups wants to leave this, this country. Now another group, the group saying that, Oh, we want 100 100% independent, no, no one, no one saying no one's claiming everybody's fighting for the Federal Democratic Union, but federal democracy have a different type of federal democracy, they as a people say about concentration, this and that. And if you look at the federal democratic country, like the United States, or Canada or South Africa, or India, the different countries have different system federal system, what we are doing is that we are coordinating in the political discussions, what time for the Federal democratic system that we want for our people, people, Myanmar, that's me, included apama ethnic, and all ethnic nationalities, we have equal rights and are all people all grew up that ethnic people will have the self determination. And so, those are the things that are Martha we are discussing, we are coordinated, and Penner that does, while that we were there that we may be out here on the negotiation table discussion table, for the same same cause, but we not going to fight turn against each other to fight like that enemy there will there will never happen, we all are one we so we all in the same boat. So, and then in order to avoid that we have the strong foundations, like I just mentioned about the local administration, in terms of administration's those are the those are the basic forms of the thought the foundation, and that we are built, we have a state level interim administration's like any state in the chain state, also the tribe, that is in the working progress and current state also, and so on and so forth. So, so that in, in, in our energy control area also, we have that interim administration, and that's our central committee led by union Prime Minister that we have coordination, meet all the coordination activities every week, every so regularly happening. So and then also the between all Aug, and let's take the atomistic of the intern administration's also we we are working together, and also the SF federal, Federal Democratic Union to as to build a Federal Democratic Union, resource sharing also the one of the key thing, so we started doing that resource sharing activities between energy and ethnic organizations. So those are the things that we started building. And then also the we have the federal democracy charter, part one and part two. And then part one is also approved. The people assembly does include including hundreds of organizations that included the elected members of parliament, CRP, H, the new GS part of the other political parties, er wars, civil societies, and so and so forth. So that, according to that, we have three phases three, I mean, three majors phases. Right now is the interim interim period, interim periods, and now we have a new G as an interim government. And our main main activity is to end that some military dictatorship and then we will we We put the foundation for the transition period. And we are. That's part of that is we, we are also working towards a transition constitutional arrangement. The FTC Part Two is an interim constitutional arrangement. And then there's the concept of building the work of building the Constitution is a huge steps. So we have a dream Coordination Committee working together. And so the ones that like your answer your question, that if the military for tomorrow, we have the roadmap, we have a plan, and that we will, when we have a transition of government, and that transition, government will lead that period, and that the the federal constitution will be widely consulted consultation with the people across Myanmar, and then will be approved by the people of Myanmar. And then we'll have the free, the inclusive, the free and fair election. We are building towards an inclusive democracy, inclusive federalism. And then that and then and then the third stage is that to the new federal, the junior will be formed after the election. So those are the stage that we have to establish is a very important stage. And that right now is a we are united and we will be united in the transition period. And that will be that will be the everybody we're enjoying. And that time, we'll enjoy that quality, consultative musician justice.
Brad 46:39
So do you have any particular concerns like we Myanmar is such a complicated country. And until recently, the Arakan army were sort of sitting on the sidelines, they they weren't pro military, but they weren't pro a new G, they were sort of sort of biding their time, organizations like the UW SA, again, they seem to be sitting on the on the fence biding their time. There are also ethnic armed organizations that I understand are still with the military, they are still in alliance with the military. Do you have any concerns that there will be some ethnic organizations even if the military force tomorrow who will not want to be part of this nation building process? And and we'll see this just as an opportunity to gain independence for themselves.
Kyaw Zaw 47:36
I don't have no big concern about that. Yes, people may have a disagreement, but what I'm saying is we remember our disagreement how to build a political system. But everybody agreed that we have a Federal Democratic Union and for Oregon, Oregon army, or army as part of the three brotherhood that we work in together with three whatever. And then we are built we are fighting together on the ground together with our army. And as I mentioned, the in the in, when we captured the call in the fight, fighting for the calling the Orca army was part of that the fighting together with a new forces and ug PDFs, and the leader under the leadership of the DIA so that the ethnic armed groups fighting together that now our army is fighting against the military military forces in Rakhine, not only in Rakhine State, but also in a chance to Northern Shan State in this kind region, and also in the chain state as well together with the other resistant forces. So, then also that are for the quantum for you to do so what your what is officially was is in neutral, even though they they against the military will recoup, but they are not formally alive with a spring revolution forces, but we have a new G as a government, we we have engagement with the SE not only you the essay, but also all at an organization, the arm or political organization as well. So, the new Liberal essay also clearly stated that they will not they will not leave their mark. So they will be in there will be part of the Myanmar and they want to solve the power issues, political issues by on the dialogue and the negotiation table. That's their official stand and body. We have the understanding, and also the engagement with them. That you mentioned the third group that you mentioned some ethnic Musab lining with lining with the SEC Yes, some of them are 91 SSC, but most of them are very weak, actually non significant, or in militarily, like APL like some organization may have maybe 100 On Tour on, on groups of soldiers. So the but like one word, that's a word that you mentioned, I think you indicated those NTA group. So even that RCSs is the largest. And the sizable among them. The RCS, even RCS has officially declared against a military coup, even though they are now. They attended the negotiation, and discussion with the SEC. And then recently RCSs, signed the ceasefire agreement with sspp. sspp is totally against submitted military coup, so so that you can see that different different types of development happening politically in the military, not only militarily, but also politically. So that are the ceasefire agreement between two Shang groups sspp and RCSs. Is, is actually, the attack on the military and our military, military will be father junta will will be more weaker because of this ceasefire agreement. So to to answer, your question is short. And we do have a regular engagement with all ethnic groups, including those are a and three brotherhood. And then so but at the same time, the NCAA, while the groups of very, I mean, it's, they know that what they have to plot they know that or the address is incorrect or wrong. And then up Mati, they are not a major of the player, either militarily or politically, that are tourism landscape.
Brad 52:09
And so you also speak about the various steps that are necessary to move towards a federal democratic system. And and they do have to be taken, you know, one by one, you can't have elections until you have a constitution that defines the method of those elections. Do does the NG G have any sort of estimated timeline for the moment from which the military falls to the point at which actual elections can can physically be held?
Kyaw Zaw 52:39
We, as far as I know, we don't have the set timeline, we do have the stages. Right. So next stage is to form the transitional government inclusive transition. So that's, then that's transition transitional government will lead and then that to implement the election process before that, that is that we need to get up the Constitution, new Constitution, to be approved by the people. So that's, that would be the first first step towards and then election to come. And then and then fight to I don't see that the long every like the long term, but it will be short term as possible that we will be doing, because we want to build this stable, the peaceful democratic federal union as soon as possible. This is a way that only way to, to make sure our people, we get the full benefit of the equality, subject elimination justice, and also that we can build up the prosperous country together.
Brad 53:48
And so I think one final category of actor that we haven't spoken about that we haven't focused on is the international community. Now the international community has done some things that certain steps have been taken, sanctions have definitely been placed. There have been resolutions passed at different levels, whether by individual governments all the way up to supranational organizations. But the NUJ has repeatedly called for the international community to do more President de la silla just recently was was published calling for weaponry from from the west. What is it really that the international community could be doing to help Myanmar? What is it that they morally should be doing to help them? Yeah,
Kyaw Zaw 54:35
we do appreciate the international community support, especially the humanitarian support. But many of the support, go through that. SSC Naypyidaw that never reach to the most vulnerable people. And that is a waste of the international community, that tax payer not all So, number one right now that since then 27. Now according to UN auto, the new newly displaced people, per half a million people, just over a month. Now, the international community must, without delay, provide the immediate emergency humanitarian assistance in coordination with energy and ethnic organization organization or the Chrome to derive assistance to the displaced people. Almost all the displaced people are living under the power control area of the resistor forces. So the cross border assistance with effective effective humanitarian emergency humanitarian assistance. And then, as you mentioned, the acting president call for the international support. And then the to end this brutal military dictatorship and terrorists, military dictators. And with that less blood that mean that providing given the military assistance to protect able to protect civilians, especially air defense, but acting President mentioned, the international community cannot provide the military assistant like the air defense system, they could provide that non lethal. The only one is system, this way that we could effectively save 1000s of lives. Recently, the millet the ethnic organizations are to nearly Park mentioned that there are forces being attacked by the author by the military with the chemical bombs in two different places, cookin MIT also mentioned about that, that there are forces being attacked with a chemical bomb in one place. And then just at the, at the military use the cluster bombs against the civilians in northern Shan states. So clearly that we need effective defensive system that are we we need for the international community to save, to save mainly to save their lives. And then also that that international community could help good prepare to help that nation building restructure restructuring of the country, rebuilding the country since a coupe attempt in 2021, for 90,000, the homes of properties, including religious facilities, hospitals, and schools were turned down by the military. So that those now undertaken will be a huge undertaking that the we have to do that. And then now, I mentioned that the we in our country, and ug an ethnic organization of implementing the interim administration, in our country areas, with very little support from international and the international community could provide a financial and technical support for the local administration to provide the community services, restoring the law, law and order, and the justice systems and the capacity building. So those are the things that international community can do great, no, to end the military dictatorship as soon as possible, to save the innocent lives and to build that the peaceful, stable, prosperous country and to be part of that the international community that we could contribute that development of their regional development and that even the world economy that we are resources the Lord actually we are resourceful country, resource rich country. We have our talented people, resile resilient, and the people that who will rebuild the country. So international community should prepare to help our resilient people.
Brad 59:44
And that raises a an important question as well, the state of the economy, the state of the country, it's it's not just the military and the bombs that are causing devastation. Obviously, the prices have been increasing food shortages are there I was hearing today, individual eggs are costing 300 Jad used to be able to get them for 100. A liter of oil is costing 4800 chat before the coup, you could get it for 1800 Prices have have more than doubled, in some cases tripled. And this is not something that will magically disappear when the military Falls is is the energy of thinking about ways in which the economy can be revitalized food stores and lines of transportation of goods can be rebuilt and and brought back online, basically. And is there any timeframe for how long the energy thinks this might take,
Kyaw Zaw 1:00:44
to build to rebuild the nation than they do and as you know, that will take some time. But we do have the plan. And then we we that's why the we we are we are requesting international community to prepare to commit and support for the rebuilding of the country. And to rebuild the country required not all resources. Yes, in short, like you mentioned, the basis necessity that that we have to do it right away without an A. So those are the things that we will be focusing on the day one and the paddock, there will be the short, short term solution will not solve the country love the already already damage economic infrastructure. There is no economic infrastructure left in Myanmar, the military military ticket is already destroyed. And that they build that that infrastructure for themselves to be reached. And not for the people. So even the bank or the banking system, there has to take a system that the the proper banking system, even though there's a bank, because the bank is also controlled by the military, there might be done in named a private bank, by private banks that run under the military directives. So that's why we have the interim Central Bank, to rebuild the financial institution, and to run that fund to keep running the financial institution with a very, very little damage to that ordinary people. But in order to build a we need capital to build it, that's why the i i mentioned earlier, that provided the capacity building the financial and technical assistance for the for that implementation of the local, sorry, at interim administration services, we are building across the country, without help from international community, very little help, if any. So we are doing our own with innovative way. But we need international community to support and help. And this way we could build a country as soon as possible, like to go back to stable and prosperity.
Brad 1:03:26
And so I think we've we've covered quite a lot of ground here. And as we come towards the end of our interview, the tradition that we always have on the show is that we'd like to finish by giving our guests the opportunity to voice some thoughts, or a message to the audience directly. Something that you want to emphasize something that you want the audience to bear in their mind as they they go on about their day. And so in thanking you for coming on and sharing your time and sharing your insight with us. I'd like to invite you to just share some final thoughts for our listeners now.
Kyaw Zaw 1:03:59
Yeah, I just want to mention that the military is collapsing, and the doesn't matter of time that we will win spring revolution will be world and that people's will be by revolution will win. So we're going to rebuild. We want to build a general Federal Democratic Union, that peaceful stable, a guarantee for equality, self determination and justice for all. But one thing is that the Oui, oui, oui, oui, we are doing innovative way. And not only on the military leave, but also the economically economy sectors and also administration sector. And then we got this revolution. Revolution is that I would say that the most innovative revolutions in the war history that reason is done. lot we, we are fighting against that the mighty military dictatorship. And it's very short period of time to just over two and a half years. And then we are winning because of the people's support. And also with our innovative we are very little people are very little known interim administration services successfully we are implementing in our control area, and also the ethnic states also building implementing interim administration services in their own states. So that's why those are the those are the ones that that guarantee for our future new Myanmar be strong and stable, then we do have a federal democracy charter. And that will also the basic foundation that make sure that we will build a peaceful, prosperous Federal Democratic Union for everyone in our country. So thank you.
Host 1:06:29
We want to take a moment to introduce you to our nonprofit better Burma's online shop which features handicrafts sourced from artists and communities scattered throughout Myanmar, far from being mass produced knockoffs. The pieces we offer are unique and handmade, reflecting the wide diversity of different peoples found throughout the country. When Myanmar experienced its transition period moving from democracy in the late 2010s, after decades of harsh military dictatorship, many Burmese craftspeople hoped their beautiful work could finally be appreciated beyond the country, when Myanmar experienced its transition period moving towards democracy in late 2010s. After decades of harsh military dictatorship, many Burmese craftspeople hope their beautiful work could finally be appreciated beyond the country's borders. But sadly, this was not to be so. Following the military coup, many skilled artists in suddenly found all possibility of continuing their livelihood closed off and began struggling just to feed their families. With this in mind, we prioritize working with artisans from disadvantaged and vulnerable backgrounds, because we know just how hard it can be to survive at the margins of society and Myanmar. This includes such people as those with disabilities, mothers who have contracted HIV AIDS, civil servants on CVM ethnic and religious minorities and more. To view these wonderful pieces, please visit That's aloka crafts, A L O K A C R A F T S one word, Otherwise, please consider a donation through our usual channels. If you would like to join in our mission to support those in Myanmar who are being impacted by the military coup, we welcome your contribution in any form currency transfer method. Your donation will go on to support a wide range of humanitarian and media missions, aiding those local communities who need it most. Donations are directed to such causes as the Civil Disobedience movement CDM families of deceased victims, internally displaced person IDP camps, food for impoverished communities, military defection campaigns, undercover journalists, refugee camps, monasteries and nunneries education initiatives, the purchasing of protective equipment and medical supplies COVID relief and more. We also make sure that our donation Fund supports a diverse range of religious and ethnic groups across the country. We invite you to visit our website to learn more about past projects as well as upcoming needs. You can give a general donation or earmark your contribution to a specific activity or project you would like to support. Perhaps even something you heard about in this very episode. All of this humanitarian work is carried out by our nonprofit mission better Burma. Any donation you give on our insight Myanmar website is directed towards this fun. Alternatively, you can also visit the better Burma website better and donate directly there. In either case, your donation goes to the same cause and both websites accept credit card. You can also give via PayPal by going to Burma. Additionally, we can take donations through Patreon Venmo GoFundMe and Cash App. Simply search better Burma on each platform and you'll find our account. You can also visit either website for specific links to these respective accounts or email us at That's betterburma. One word, spelled B E T T E R B U R M If you'd like to give it another way, please contact us. We also invite you to check out our range of handicrafts that are sourced from vulnerable artists and communities across Myanmar. Available at Any purchase will not only support these artists and communities, but also our nonprofits wider mission. That's aloka crafts spelled A L O K A C R A F T S one word Thank you so much for your kind consideration and support.