A Controversial Stand

In my interview with Kyaw Kyaw of Rebel Riot, we spoke about the most controversial song of his career to date, which was inspired by his anger over the anti-Islam hatred being promoted by the MaBaTha sect of the Burmese Buddhist monkhood. When released, the song brought him death threats, and he was scared to even leave his home. You can see the full video, and following is the question I asked him about this experience. To hear his answer, check out the full interview.

“You're definitely very dedicated to the Dhamma, and to the teachings of the Buddha. You've talked about how much you respect the Buddha and his teachings. But as you also say, you are not keen on religious groups. You've explained why you feel this way elsewhere, and I want to quote something you said. You said, ‘I just hate the way the organization tries to control everyone through religion, but some religious ideas are like a map for life. Buddhism and punk are similar: punks hate the system and the government. Why? Because punks think these are oppressive. So, punk wants a Buddha world.’ So, towards these ends, one of your more famous songs is called “F**k Religious Rules.” My question is, how do you suggest that one try to be a good Buddhist and have respect for the Buddha without at the same time not creating some kind of Buddhist system or organization?”