Reflections on Dhamma Podcasts

We were very pleased to hear the following words from Daniel Mayer, a senior vipassana teacher (acharya) in the S.N. Goenka tradition. He is also a Center Teacher (CT) originally for Dhamma Santi in Brazil, and most recently a Coordinating Area Teacher (CAT) “to serve the rest of Africa.” Daniel himself spoke about the coup from the perspective of a practitioner on our episode, “Navigating Rough Waters.”

He has recently listened to two recent episodes: “Bhikkhu Bodhi on the Crisis in Myanmar” and “Love Letters from Myanmar: The Taste of Dhamma.” Here are his thoughts:

“I just listened to the question and answer session with Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi… and I am flabbergasted. Such a nurturing, nourishing, inspiring, and supportive talk. Merits, this is exactly what so many needed to hear. The support this talk gives, is immeasurable. Bravo! Thanks again for doing what you’re doing.

What also impressed me greatly was the talks on “The Taste of Dhamma.” Venerable Canda’s voice is great, and the description of her Path into monasticism was so realistic. Bhante Rahula of Mexico also spoke so nicely. Keep inviting to inspire since the young ones to listen who have boundless paramis.”