"Those Brilliant Eyes"

The recent episode with Doh Say was certainly something special. A Karenni activist and fighter, he opened listeners’ eyes to the reality of life in the ethnic parts of Myanmar as no other guest has yet on our show. Also in that episode, we greatly enjoyed hearing briefly from David Eubank of the Free Burma Rangers, as well as being treated to the ambient sounds of the Karen jungle.

But it was quite special indeed to hear David’s daughter Suzanne read a poem she had written. David describes the background of this poem, and we also include the photographs of who the poem was written for.

This is a poem and two photos written by my daughter Suzanne Eubank while she was with Karen soldiers and villagers who were defending their people from Burma Army attacks. She noticed an old soldier who had lost his arm but was still there with the young soldiers, ready to defend his people from the attacks of the Burma Army. She took the  photograph of him below and then wrote this poem, "Those Brilliant Eyes."

 “Those Brilliant Eyes”


Those brilliant eyes, 

They shine so bright 

While smiling 

Or in a gun fight

They show the pain

Of the lost terrain 

They fought so desperately for

A land they owned for years unknown 

Was stripped and ripped from their hands 

And yet those eyes 

Still see the light 

Of freedom yet untold

They fight for lives, of gone and yet to come 

Those brilliant eyes 

Reveal the wisdom earned 

From years in battle 

Though his heart was never turned 

Those eyes shine bright 

And full of light 

With a slight glimpse of charm still known

Will hold his grandchild, just for a while 

And tell him tales of old 

And when they ask why he doesn’t have a second hand to hold 

Those eyes will show 

A love untold, and a price he had to pay 

To hold this child, and tell him 

"Oh, how I love you."

brilliant eyes Karen soldier with child copy.jpg
brilliant eyes one arm.jpg