Improve our Podcast!

As many listeners by now are well aware, we have transformed our platform to respond to the emergency state that has gripped Myanmar since the February 1st military coup was initiated. While this has in some ways turned to activism in collecting donations and providing resources, we have still continued the core of what formed this site: podcasting.

Where once our small team hoped to produce a podcast once every ten days, we have cut this time in half, and are now releasing episodes at a break-neck speed of one in five days, as we are trying to respond to the urgency of the situation. This has required around-the-clock work, and to facilitate this production, any donation that supports our team’s mission is greatly appreciated.

Additionally, listeners may also have noticed a new type of creativity beginning to creep into our work as well. From punk rock to hip hop introductions, to live poem readings in Burmese and English, to ambient sounds of the protests mixed in, all these elements have allowed us to provide a more multi-dimension feel to what is essentially an audio experience.

This layering was made possible through volunteers offering their creative work for our expert sound engineer, Mike Bink, to use in new and dynamic ways. Now that we see what is possible, we want to continue to build upon the experience!

So a request: if you, or anyone in your network, has any creative audio that you would like to offer our production team, please do so! Send us a message letting us know how you would like to support our work and improve the Insight Myanmar Podcast experience!