
We know that the days are getting darker, and yet as more ferocious as this storm becomes, Insight Myanmar Podcast and Better Burma nonprofit will continue through on that tortuous journey. In light of the horrific events of March 27th and the increased horrors expected in the days that follow, we are hoping to increase the reach of our podcast audience.

While many appreciate digging in to hear a 90 minute interview, not everyone is able to, for one reason or another. For that reason, we are trying to expand their reach as far as possible, as we feel our guests offer real wisdom and information about what is happening. So we’d like to bring their words into different formats so more can hear the important parts of their talk. If you can help, please contact us!

Towards these ends, we are in need of a few more volunteers:

  • Video editors: let us know if you would like to create short videos out of our podcast episodes, such as this one or that one. But there is no set format for how it should look; make according to your own creative impulse and we will share on our platform.

  • Graphic designers: who are able to make powerful social media templates based on our interviews that we can share more widely.

  • Photo and video collectors: those creating new multimedia formats such as above require a collection of powerful photos, videos, artwork, and more to work from. Collecting these can be as easy as scouring the internet and different social media sites, as well as reaching out to other people online doing the same. Once we have a solid collection, our other volunteers can work from this.

  • Translators: After we find a way to bring the audio to other formats, we want Burmese as well to be able to understand what our guests are saying. If you can translate to Burmese script, please contact us.

  • Anything else: just let us know what you have in mind and how we can collaborate at this critical time.

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