Launch of "Media Corner" series on Insight Myanmar Podcast

On our next episode, we are pleased to announce the launch of a new podcast series, “Media Corner.” In this series, we will be examining some type of book, documentary, movie, artwork, article, or other type of media, and discussing what it tells us about the Burma Dhamma. The first episode in the series, “The Discovery of Mindfulness,” is built off of the article Carl Stimson wrote. In it, he examined three Western meditators from the 1970s who ventured East to learn about Buddhism.

The discussion we have is fantastic, and I can’t wait to release it. After going into the synopsis of each work, Carl brings himself in as a fourth character and discusses what happens in one’s spiritual journey after you’ve reach the “happily ever after” point, a fact that so many yogis experience but is so seldom discussed. We also talk about how the shape and structure of mindfulness teaching has changed over the years and in different cultures.

To better prepare for this episode, take a look at Carl’s original article, and feel free to read from the selection of three books we’ll be discussing:

  • The Quiet Mind (1971) by John E. Coleman

  •  One Night’s Shelter (1985) by Bhikkhu Yogavacara Rahula

  •  Journey of Insight Meditation (1978) by Eric Lerner