So Profound, So Deep, and So Wide...

"Thank you so much for making all the arrangements and for calling Khaw Thein to check in on how things are going. I had a very spiritually profound day today. To be honest, I didn't really know what to expect when you suggested I visit the pwa bwe gyi village. I had not even heard of it before and only went to read about it when I knew I was going.

I really learned a lot from Khaw Thein about Buddhism today and to hear his personal story. It has helped me see that the teachings of the Buddha is so profound, so deep and so wide. I will try to study more about the teachings of the Buddha when I return to Singapore. The visit to Myanmar has been very meaningful. It feels like my life has come full circle. Myanmar people have really inspired me with their devotion and dedication to dhamma. I'm especially grateful to sayama (daw hto) and her sister for their hospitality and kindness. Here's a picture we took at her home."

Joan Low, Singaporean meditator, writing to thank a Dhamma friend for arranging her visit to Pyaw Bwe Gyi village