Aung San Suu Kyi: A Treasure Among Treasures

"A treasure among treasures is she who served as faithful wife,
Who built within her house a home secure and free from strife,
But treasured more is she for her unwavering devotion to the Golden Land,
Outshining even the gilded stupas with her simple elegance and open hand.
She, whose dedication to the common good is tribute to her father's name,
Whose humanity and strength of character are unalloyed by politics or worldly gain.
Oh youth of Myanmar, the jewel within your midst you seek afar
And thereby miss the glorious light of Burma's eastern star,
For true heroism is born within the heart and cannot be bought or planned.
For proof or this, you need seek no further than the lady of your land."

Bhikkhu Moneyya
Pa-Auk Tawya Buddhist University
Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar
September 2013