Donations in the midst of difficulties

The following submission comes from one of our leaders on the ground, concerning his appreciation for the support that foreign donors have provided, as well as the care they take with ensuring these funds reach their target.

The ground staff of Better Burma has been actively involved in supporting refugees for the past two years. Throughout this journey, we have encountered various challenges and obstacles. While those who are familiar with the situation in Burma may find these difficulties unsurprising, I would now like to shed light for those who are unaware.

We provide essential assistance to refugees, including financial support, food, medicine, and clothing. Additionally, we have contributed to providing shelter and addressing other pressing needs, especially in areas affected by conflict. We have also strived to alleviate the challenges faced by the CDM staff working in border regions and sparsely populated refugee camps. I have taken part in many of these missions personally.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge the complexities associated with accessing financial contributions, and the care we take in doing so. One significant hurdle is the risk of bank accounts being closed if there are suspicions surrounding money transfers. Therefore, we exercise utmost caution when conducting financial transactions. Once a bank account is closed, it becomes challenging to reopen. Sometimes you are forced to bribe a military officer or it is still permanently closed!

Transferring money presents yet another challenge. When conflicts arise and fighting occurs in certain regions, delays in the arrival of donations are inevitable. The military council's actions, such as deploying jammers and cutting off internet access, severely restrict the ability of local volunteers operating in these conflict-affected areas. As a result, they are unable to utilize payment applications or keep track of payment records.

However, we understand the importance of ensuring that the funds generously donated by individuals and organizations always reach their intended destination, no matter the challenges we may face. We strive to overcome these obstacles by working closely with trusted local partners who have a deep understanding of the local context. Our team diligently monitors the progress of projects and maintains open lines of communication to ensure properly delivery and use of funds. We are fully committed to maximizing the impact of your contributions and ensuring that they directly benefit those in need. Together, we can navigate these challenges and make a lasting difference in the lives of the refugees and communities we serve.

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