Rice and Water in Yinmapin
We received the following urgent request from a group in the Sagaing Division that we have supported on past efforts. We are sharing about their project and inviting contributions of any size to provide aid during this difficult time.
The IDPs in Yinmapin Township are facing numerous difficulties. They engaged in peaceful protests against the military coup, but unfortunately, the Burmese army responded with heavy weapon fire, resulting in the tragic loss of three children and injuries to two adults in May 2023.
Located in the heart of Myanmar, the township experiences a hot and arid climate, leading to frequent water scarcity issues. The lack of water wells further exacerbates the situation.
Presently, the IDP camp that are trying to support accommodates over 2,000 individuals residing in more than 120 houses.
Due to the military coup's economic repercussions, the inflation rates have surged, causing the price of a bag of rice, including transportation fees, to soar in price, and so we are not able to sufficiently provide enough food for everyone. Therefore, we propose to provide food assistance to the displaced population in Yinmapin Township by purchasing rice.
We understand that their struggle does not end with food insecurity; the water problem is equally pressing. Therefore, we plan to assess the water needs in the IDP camp and address the water scarcity issue with the installation of water wells.
By implementing this project, we aim to alleviate the immediate food crisis faced by the displaced population and improve their overall living conditions. Our goal is to bring some relief and hope to the IDPs during these challenging times.
We sincerely request support for this project, as it will make a significant difference in the lives of the IDPs.. Your assistance will provide them with essential sustenance and access to clean water, restoring some stability and comfort amidst their hardships. Together, we can extend a helping hand to those in need and make a positive impact in this region. Thank you for those who have taken the time to read about our situation.