A Mandalay Nunnery Shelters Survivors

The following message is from our team leader on the ground:

“Today I spoke to a nun from a nunnery in Mandalay that has about 25 nuns who are from remote Pa-O ethnic regions. Although there were more nuns in the past, most of them could not come back to the nunnery due to the armed conflicts in their motherland areas. In the past, the parents of the young ethnic nuns sent and donated the crops and grains, etc. to the nunnery. However, they cannot support the nunnery now and the nunnery sadly heard that they are also fleeing from their villages. For this reason, they really need our support as much as possible at this time.

 The nunnery is led by an abbess in her 70s. She teaches the nuns by herself and is a hard-working nun. She has taught and led the nunnery for several years. In fact, my wife learned English when she was young. The teacher told her that the nuns have scarce resources for food now and they can only go alms-round in the quarters nearby.

We would strongly request this nunnery of the hard-working abbess who has been feeding and educating Pa-O ethnic nuns for many years.”

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