Help build our emergency fund!

Dear donors,

We want to express our immense sense of gratitude for your generosity and compassion in these trying times. Since the military coup in Myanmar began on two years ago, thousands of innocent individuals have been killed and an even greater number detained. The violence has been particularly brutal against peaceful protesters. The situation in Myanmar is dire but your donations have made a palpable difference in the lives of those affected.

Your aid has allowed us to provide essential supplies such as food, water, and shelter to families displaced by the violence. We have been able to provide medical supplies and support to those who have been injured. Furthermore, your donations have enabled us to fund advocacy and awareness-raising efforts geared to bringing an end to the violence and restore democracy in Myanmar.

You may be aware that we work with trusted, local groups, that they submit their urgent needs to us and we do our best to fundraise accordingly. However, what you may not know about are the many 3 a.m. calls when a local contact informs us that their community is facing a critical life-or-death situation and they have nowhere else to turn. In instances like these, there is no time to gather information or fundraise; we just send whatever we can spare.

It is in these situations that an emergency fund would be invaluable. With such a fund, we would be able to flexibly and quickly respond adequately to requests for emergency assistance.

While we are committed to doing everything in our power to assist those in need, our resources are limited, and we cannot respond to all of the requests for assistance that we receive. That is why we humbly ask our supporters to help us raise money for an emergency fund that will allow us to quickly respond to extraordinary, life and death situations.

Every donation, no matter its size, will make a difference and help us to save lives!

Shwe Lan Ga LayComment