Care Packages into Myanmar Prisons
We are directing funds to a local organization that is providing food and toiletries to democracy activists and others who have been wrongfully imprisoned by the military. Thanks to our generous donors and the local networks that are able to reach into the prisons, we are able to ensure that these political prisoners can get support even during these terrible dark days. Following are the words of the project leader, describing our recent shipment. For anyone who would like to support this ongoing work, please consider a contribution of any amount!
For over two years now, Myanmar has been under the control of the military, and its people are enduring tremendous hardships. Among those who are suffering the most are the individuals who have been unjustly imprisoned.
The military council, citing the COVID-19 pandemic as a pretext, has denied visitors access to these prisoners for over three years. This isolation has created immense challenges for both the prisoners and their families.
The economic crisis in the country has made it increasingly difficult for families to provide monthly allowances and send food to their imprisoned loved ones. Consequently, there is often only enough food to sustain one political prisoner.
In an effort to address this dire situation, our group of volunteers took it upon ourselves to start providing food in April, 2021, beginning with the distribution of boxes of rice. With the support of friends, approximately 40 boxes were delivered to those in need. Unfortunately, after a bomb blast occurred at the parcel delivery point in Insein Prison, the Military Council ceased accepting more.
Despite the obstacles, we have persevered, not only covering the cost of the boxes but also attempting to provide for the prisoners through various means. The expenses associated with providing food and drink for a single week amounts to around 300,000 Myanmar kyat.
This challenging situation sheds light on the plight of political prisoners in Myanmar, who endure not only unjust incarceration but also the hardships resulting from the country's ongoing political turmoil and economic crisis.
Presently, Better Burma has generously helped us in our desire to support the plight of the prisoners. During visits and food donations, we became aware of the additional challenges faced by the prisoners.
One pressing issue is the persistent problem of itching that afflicts the prisoners. Maintaining personal hygiene is crucial, yet the detainees face difficulties in this regard. Subordinates of the military council not only subject prisoners to this uncomfortable and unsanitary condition but also even exacerbate their discomfort. The presence of skin conditions and other issues of hygiene further underscores the dire circumstances faced by political prisoners in Myanmar, revealing the inhumane treatment they endure at the hands of the military council.
We will continue supporting them as long as we are able and we thank you for your support in our work!