A School in Sagaing

We have been supporting a range of medical and educational missions in the Sagaing region. One local partner we have been working with has recently sent us their plan for an ongoing project they are now overseeing. Whether you may be inclined to offer just a small donation that can help out some students, or whether there may be a donor who wishes to sponsor the full initiative (and receive a report when it is carried out), we welcome your generous help at this time!

In the midst of the ongoing political unrest in Myanmar, the children in our township in the Sagaing Region are confronted with an uncertain future. These young students have been compelled to seek refuge in a makeshift camp, where they lack even the most fundamental resources necessary to pursue their education. Schools, monasteries, churches, and grocery stores stocked with stationery – all vital for their education – have been destroyed by our military, leaving them without access to books, pencils, or pens.

Nevertheless, these resilient and determined young students comprehend the significance of education, though their immediate survival needs often take precedence. Many of them have tragically lost their parents and must rely on one another for support. The older siblings and those who have joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) have assumed the role of teachers, but their instruction is severely limited due to the lack of materials.

A total of 152 children residing in the refugee camp and nearby villages are in dire need of educational supplies. By providing them with basic educational materials, these young students can be afforded the opportunity to pursue their education and strive for a brighter future.

The plan devised by the local ground crew is as follows: upon receiving the donation, it will be divided into two parts – one part for middle school students and the remaining part for elementary school students. Accordingly, necessary items will be purchased based on their respective age groups. Distribution will take place during school opening hours, and the process is expected to be completed within 1 month.

In the face of adversity, your compassion and support can make an incredible impact. We can share that the entire project aimed at providing a lifeline to these resilient young students can be funded for a total of $650. Every contribution, regardless of its size, plays a pivotal role in shaping the futures of these children. Together, we can provide the essential supplies these students need to continue their learning journey and reclaim a sense of normalcy. We encourage you to join hands with us in this mission, knowing that your generosity will resonate through the lives of these children and echo into the possibilities of a brighter tomorrow.

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