Seeking education in Kachin state

We are pleased to share about a project that Better Burma is hoping to support. We have been in touch with the organizers, who have asked us to share the following information, and would be grateful for a contribution of any amount.

Since the military coup in Myanmar in February 2021, Kachin children have faced immense difficulties in continuing their education. Many schools in Kachin State have been closed due to the conflict, and those that remain open are often overcrowded and lack adequate resources. Teachers are often unable to provide quality instruction due to the insecurity.

The conflict has also led to a massive displacement of people, many thousands of Kachin civilians estimated to have been displaced since the start of the conflict, and so groups have also been working to bring classes to these IDP camps. This has made it even more difficult for children to access education, as many are living in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions far from their home.

Unfortunately, the unsettlement shows no signs of abating and the military shows no interest in resolving the conflict. With their education prospects dim, many Kachin children are likely to end up in a cycle of poverty and violence.

The photos shown here are from a school locate in a very remote region of Kachin state. There are total 5 teachers who are looking after 78 students. The head teacher has reported to us that they urgently need book, notebooks, and lunches for students. Their entire operating costs are $500 per month.

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