Rice and Generosity...
We were happily able to offer rice to the monks at this monastery, as the donors had specifically earmarked this cause. This was a really special opportunity to be able to help out the monks who we had heard were struggling to get by. Moreover, the rice we were able to offer was especially appreciated by the monks. This is because it is not always easy to get hold of good quality rice in Burma nowadays, and so we were happy to make sure that we could acquire the highest quality kinds. We are so grateful to the donors who made this possible and we hope that we can continue to help more monks, as well as people of all backgrounds, in the future.
The Burmese Sayadaw who received the rice was very eloquent on the topic of generosity and selfless giving. He spoke at length about the importance of giving without expecting anything in return. He explained that when we give from a place of abundance, we open up our hearts and allow the universe to provide for us in return. He emphasized that giving should be done with pure intentions, without any ulterior motives. The Sayadaw also discussed the importance of detachment from material possessions. He explained that attachment to things only leads to suffering. He encouraged one to let go of one’s attachment to material things as much as may be possible. The Sayadaw’s talk was very inspiring and it left everyone in the audience feeling motivated to be more generous and selfless in their own lives.
In this way, your donation not only provided benefit in the sustenance of rice, but also afforded this special opportunity to hear such wise words from a revered figure. In other words, your donation is adding to good in this world, even as this good is being carried out under the most difficult conditions imaginable!