Aid finally reaches an IDP camp in Magway

We received the following report from our local team member who has assisted in allocating and delivering much-needed aid to the Magway region. The supplies that we were able to purchase with this donation will be greatly appreciated by the residents, who are under continued attack by bands of soldiers. Any further contribution, no matter how small, will continue to help tremendously!

About five months ago, a military convoy entered Gangaw village in Magway province and burned many homes. At that time, medicine was needed, and NGOs from all areas asked for help. However, due to the ongoing attacks, the burned buildings could not be repaired and lived in. Therefore, the whole population (from newborn children to the elderly) of the affected area were forced to live in refugee camps.

The refugee camps have to be located in a place away from the torture of the military council. If you hear the sound of an airstrike alarm, you have to move from one place to another immediately in order to stay safe, as the military has also been attacking even the IDP camps. Due to the blockades, it has been quite challenging to purchase medicine and many now are also in need of clothing and shelter. The checkpoints near the cities are particularly difficult to pass. 

Better Burma supported the refugee camp with some urgently needed food supplies, using funds provided by our donors, although they did take a long time to arrive due to difficulties in traveling and safety concerns. We finally were able to distribute 1,227 pound of rice, 108 pound of oil and 186 sanitary pads.  We donated 20.45 pound of rice for 80 families, 1.7 pound of oil for 60 families and 3 sanitary pads for 1 woman each. Thank you so much to the international community for not forgetting us and keeping our safety and survival in your minds and hearts. You have done so much for our people.

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