Medical Missions in Sagaing

We would like to highlight the good work that a local group, Healing Hands, has been doing in villages across the Taze and Mingin Townships in Sagaing Division, often at great risk to their own safety. They have submitted the following description of their projects. If you feel so inclined, please consider a donation of any amount to allow us to better support their important work.

Healing Hands is a humanitarian aid group that works tirelessly to provide medical aid and access to healthcare professionals to local populations and internally displaced persons (IDPs). Their services include emergency medical care and surgery, and first aid/basic medical care training courses.

The local population where Healing Hands operates had poor access to healthcare even before the military coup and nowadays, the access to healthcare has worsened due to the indiscriminate artillery shelling and airstrikes by the State Administration Council (SAC)’s military forces. There has been a heavy increase in the number of IDPs and wounded patients. This has led to an increased need for medical supplies, as well as higher operating costs for Healing Hands personnel. Procuring medical supplies has also become more difficult due to rises in price as well as logistical issues.

In addition, there are higher costs associated with Healing Hands’ on-going trainings in first aid/emergency care. However, with the increased number of IDPs, there is now an urgent need for accessing healthcare, and these trainings will at least provide the local population some basic medical knowledge and skills in the lack of medical professionals, and will be able to save lives. Healing Hands also provides graduates of these training courses with basic medical equipment and supplies.

For all these reasons, Healing Hands currently requires funds to procure more medical supplies and equipment in order to be able provide more efficient healthcare coverage. We would also like to expand operations to provide wider healthcare coverage and emergency care. Hence, we would like to request that Better Burma donors consider supporting us in our work to help those in need.

We remain committed to providing healthcare in these conflict-ridden areas, and filling in the gaps in terms of humanitarian aid wherever possible. Thank you for your consideration.

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