Burning Down the House

A local team leader who we have supported in the past reached out to us with this request. She is now overseeing a committee that is trying to help rebuilt homes, along with providing IDP shelter, to the now millions of internal refugees that the military’s reign of terror has wrought. Please consider earmarking a donation to her team now picking up this work.

“After the military coup In Myanmar, a large number of houses in rural areas have been destroyed by fire. This is due to the military’s rampaging onslaught of terror they are waging in the countryside, where they now kill, rape, steal, and then burn village after village.

According to the statistics, about thirty thousand houses are known have been burnt in the whole country in just a five month period, from 2022 March to 2022 August 25. Although destruction began in Chin State, Sagaing is found to be the worst currently among the seventeen states and regions within Myanmar. In Sagaing, more than twenty-thousand houses were burnt, in Magway around five thousand and the remaining five thousand were burnt in other parts of the country. The most devastated townships in Sagaing are Wetlet, Ayardaw, Shwebo, Khin U, Kani, Taze, Depayin, Kantbalu, Kalay and Minkin.

The situation has pushed many people – two million or more – into homelessness Many of them are staying in the forests or other places safer than their native villages. Approximately three million people have been displaced across the country.

During natural disasters such as storms floods and earthquake or man-made disasters such as war, the respective government usually takes a leading role and coordinates with the UN and other members of the international community to support their citizens as much as they can. It is totally the opposite in Myanmar; the military itself cruelly assaults its own people and does not accept aid from outside the country. Millions of Myanmar people are facing great troubles. The terrible situation calls to the world for help. It is urgent! They need social support for their daily minimum essentials like shelter, food and clothing as well as long term essentials such as health, education and the economy.

Because no outside agency is coming to support us, our group is taking on this responsibility ourselves. We have written Better Burma asking for support, and they will kindly help us to lead this campaign. Please consider a donation to our home-rebuilding fund so that we can find a way to provide safety and security to the many millions of our countrymen who are now left with nothing, and nowhere to go. We greatly appreciate your kindness. In better days please visit our country and learn meditation with us.”

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