Notes from the countryside

Many listeners have written us asking us for updates following the interview with Kyun Pin Sayadaw U Jatila, after he described withstanding a vicious assault carried out on his meditation center from the ground and air, at the hands of the Myanmar military. Amazingly, they have carried out their social mission to even greater effect following this attack, and have committed themselves to supporting vulnerable populations in the area that has been impacted by the military’s campaign of terror. The following notes are from a nun who has been supporting the Sayadaw’s good works. As there is currently so much need, no amount is too small, and any contribution will be so greatly appreciated by their committee.

  • You know, today, the big boats of military with full of weapons and other supplies passed by our center. Explosions in front of our center very loud. But not so much as the previous time. May be from the boat or from the local fighter groups. They did not enter the villages. I did not see. I heard 7 boats very big ones. From Mandalay to the North.

  • In Kyunpin Center, we are going to start a meal support programme for Yogis above 60 years of age. Items includes Milk powder, Oat Quaker, Biscuits, eggs and Vitamins. Those elderly yogis will receive them in daily basis for more nutrition value. It costs around 32000 Myanmar Kyats. for each Yogi per month. And another support is to villages damaged by fire. Reconstruction of temporary huts for most vulnerable elders. Most elderly ones with least support will be selected from each village. Local people will help in construction works with locally available resources. Expense is about 600000 Myanmar Kyats.

  • Outside Kamphyu Village. People felt worried due to rumours. They just run away and came back after some days.

  • With Sayardaw's guidance, we started the Construction Programme for elderly people who are homeless due to damage. Built in local available materials, cost around 600,000 MMK is of great help for them to stay in this weather. Local Sanghas and local volunteers will implement the project. Batch 1 (20 houses) is processing and we plan for Batch 2. For your kind information. Sharing Merit to you.

  • We are starting a new programme. Construction of temporary huts in damaged villages.  We select the poor and elderly persons. Now 20 houses in 8 villages.

  • Tomorrow we are going to donate to displaced people 130 families in the border area of Wetlet and Shwebo. Another 160 families are awaiting. Better Burma's donation covers 4 temp shelters. In process.

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