A plea for CDMers

One of the volunteers who has been transferring our donation funds to the different departments of workers now on CDM has asked to post the following urgent message. We are greatly appreciative of all those who have donated, as your contribution has helped the protesters to continue their dream of democracy despite the current hardships. However, there continues to be a tough road ahead, and as this plea indicates, many are barely hanging on now. Additionally, this volunteer has asked that the following two-page document be shared as well, indicating the list of those workers who have been removed from their post, many after several decades on the job.

“I am in touch with 110 CDMers from several departments from various towns in the country. And I got the latest update that 63 of them are already back to work and living their lives as normal, with the rest were fired from their departments. The remaining workers, especially the single ones, are thinking about joining the armed forces, although they don’t want to. But those who are married express concern that they can’t leave their families by joining these camps, because they have a duty to feed their families. In addition to this, I’m also in touch with 490 teachers from the Department of Education.

What they told me is that they continue to stand strongly these days, even while not getting any support to outside donors. And they said they will stand strong until our elected government is back in charge!

So, I’d like to request the donations for their sake, because no other organization or group has been able to help them yet. These poor government’ staffs have only us right now to rely on. I personally believe these heroes will fight this war till the end as far as they could!

I have a list of CDMers who didn’t yet get any help from anywhere, and I hope we can get it here. That’s why I’m asking for the CDMers, because they are maintaining a passive strike against the junta.”
