Mahar Insights: "Sleepless in the Barracks: Open Secrets of the Tatmadaw"

We are so impressed with the bilingual document just released from the brilliant folks at Mahar Insights entitled “The Sleepless in the Barracks: Open Secrets of the Tatmadaw.” This easy-to-read yet informative booklet is part of their wider mission to discredit the Burmese military, accomplished merely by educating people on the institution in more detail.

And, our donors should feel especially proud as part of our donation fund has gone (and will continue to go) towards their great work. At this very moment we are discussing podcast options together and hope to have them on soon to explain in detail all that they’re currently doing.

So take a look at the English and Burmese versions below, and please share with friends and among your community so that more can be informed about this very important issue. And, consider donating so that their mission can grow! You can donate right on our site by earmarking their work, or go directly through Mahar Insight’s PayPal link.