Words from a Mon Teacher on CDM

We provided some of the donation fund to support a group of public school teachers now in hiding in Mon State. After the volunteer was able to safely deliver these funds and ensure the teachers were not in danger, she interviewed several of them to inquire about their reason for continuing to follow the Civil Disobedience Movement, despite the current hardships and dangers.

Please also keep in mind that as grateful as everyone has been for your kind donation, we unfortunately have not been able to raise enough to support their full group, and the volunteer coordinator is urgently asking for further assistance.

Following are the words of one teacher, who must remain anonymous for her safety:

“I don’t want to work under the malicious military and so I joined CDM. I’m determined to do CDM until we win. I have a family to support so I am worried about them. So far, we have been selling some of our family jewelry to get by. But there is not much left, so I don’t know how we can continue.

What I want to say is, the financial support from donors have been very helpful and makes it a little easier to manage and continue this struggle.

I heard rumors that they will imprison CDM workers, so I might have to go deeper into hiding. To be successful, there has to be sacrifice and that’s how I see my current challenge. I know success won’t come easy. I’m glued to my phone and I’m always checking the developing news.

When I see news of young people dying, I feel so devastated! The young generation are working so hard to overcome and I want to help this revolution in any way I can. To anyone reading this, and anyone who has helped me… thank you. I hope one day I can repay your support in some way.”