Mandalay CDM Teachers: In Critical Need

We have received the following plea for help from a volunteer coordinating the funding for Mandalay teachers on CDM.

“Currently, the positions 394 faculty members and Administrative staffs from University of Mandalay were terminated by the military junta as a result of participating in Civil Disobedience Movement. They all are deprived of any salary and some have to move their location because of security concerns, as arrest warrants have been printed.

Two thirds of this group have 3 to 7 family members who are depending on them.

Me and my friends founded “CDM support group for University of Mandalay” in collaboration with the Mandalay University Students Union in late February, and we have already donated around $10,000 USD to 260 people.

Now, we only have $1,000 USD left, and it is increasingly difficult to raise funding domestically because of economic recession and investigations of military about CDM donation. For this reason I am making an urgent plea to any foreign reader who cares about our loss of freedom and our struggle to maintain it.

I would be very grateful if you can make some contributions for civil servants who sacrifice their careers to against military coup in Myanmar.”