CDM at a critical juncture

Over the course of the past couple of weeks, we’ve been receiving urgent messages from volunteers who are providing critical support to CDM workers. At this point, we have to remember we are over 100 days into the crisis, now at the four month point. Many of these civil servants have not drawn a paycheck since the first month of the year, are separated from their families, and are deep in hiding away from their home as soldiers hunt for them. Yet still, they continue their struggle to refuse to work for this murderous regime, and have been able to do so only due to your generous contribution.

At the outset of the resistance movement, support poured in, but since that time much of it is drying up and many CDM workers have no personal resources left, and with no outside source of funding, they simply do not know how to continue. This is further complicated by office bosses attempting to lure workers back by promising backpay, as they are hoping to break the morale the strikers.

Volunteers are urgently requesting continued funds, and particularly useful are monthly pledges. This is reflected in the following message from one volunteer describing the situation:

“Now the revolutionary period is over 100 days. People are tired too. CDM staff and also the donors are tired. Some have been dismissed and some have been suspended. There are many CDM staffs who have not yet responded to requests for help from CDM supporting organizations. Those who depend on small salaries., the poor, and those with large families continue to find it difficult to cope.

As a result, more and more people are no longer able to do CDM and with no other options, are considering the unthinkable, a return to the office. With fewer donors and many one-time donors whose funds were already distributed, it is becoming increasingly difficult to guarantee monthly supporting to CDM staff. If we can guarantee that we can support them on a monthly basis, they will be able to continue to do CDM with confidence.

That's why we are looking for donors who can donates every month. We are planning to be able to support one civil servant at the rate of 100,000 MMK per month. Donor may donate every month and donate as little money as they can afford.

No Pressure and No Burden. Now we have to support many from various departments, while every day we continue to get calls from others request help.”

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