A military who murders its monks

One of our volunteer coordinators happened to be visiting a monastery on the Yangon-Mandalay highway, and discovered an alarming story.

The Sayadaw of this monastery was accused, without evidence, as being a spy for the Mandalay Defense Force, a local organization that tries to protect their community from military attacks. One day, the Sayadaw disappeared, with no warning as to where he might have gone. One week later, villagers found his corpse floating in a lake near the village.

The Sayadaw had always done his best for the local community, although once the coronavirus pandemic hit, the little they were getting in the way of donations all but dried up. Now, the junior monks have lost their guiding force, and they do not know how they can continue their Dhamma work.

This story is another reminder as to just what a destructive force the Tatmadaw is to the preservation of Dhamma in Myanmar, and they are actively tearing apart the Buddhist infrastructure of their country. It is devastating to continue to learn about how a country once so steeped in the Buddha’s teachings is now being attacked from within.

Our volunteer is in touch with this community and is able to channel any donations given for this purpose of supporting the monastery.

Shwe Lan Ga Lay