Karen teachers stand for freedom

We sent part of the donation fund to support a group of Karen teachers hiding in the jungle, who refuse to return to work at government schools since the military coup. Our contact was able to send on the funds to this group, and collected testimonials from two of the teachers. She then transcribed and translated them, so we could share their voices on this platform. They said:

“I’m 27 and I have been working as a middle school teacher. I joined CDM since the coup started because I don’t want to ever work for the military. Under military rule, I won’t have opportunities, enjoy economic progress or have my full human rights. Neither will my students. Another reason I joined is because I want true democracy. At my school, 7 out of 14 teachers are on strike. In my town, about 750 teachers have been fired from their jobs and there’s more to come who will lose their jobs. I know we are making an impact on the military by not going to work. Their state mechanism is not functioning because of us, and they are having a hard time governing. Some workers are having a harder time than others and those CDM workers desperately need the most help.”

“I’m 24 and I work at a high school in Hpa-an, in Karen state. I joined CDM in March to abolish the illegal military council that murders civilians and sexually assaults women. Another reason I joined CDM is to stop their day-to-day mechanisms. The best way to support striking workers is financial support and it will give us strength to keep going in this fight.”

Tragically, the contact we are working with shared that there is still so much more need among these Karen teachers, and no more funds coming in. Without access to other donors and with these teachers now facing starvation as they unable to collect a paycheck and still must remain in hiding, there is fear for how much longer they can keep on. Please consider sharing this message with any friends or networks who would like to support this group, and others, as they stay committed to their struggle for democracy.