"They have taken my friends."

“I wasn’t interested in politics and I just taught my classes at school. When I first heard about the coup, I felt it’s not right, and so I joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM). On Feb 8th, I joined protests in the town near me. My village is small so it was dangerous to participate. There are spies from the military and the soldiers search households that are active in the resistance and capture them.

They have taken my friends. We can’t sleep at night because we have to keep watch.

There are new mothers, older women and pregnant mothers in our CDM group. I’m so surprised how brave and determined they are but I worry for them. I am quite young and I can run if something happens but they cannot. The only thing I can think about is how we cannot lose, we must win.”

— Testimonial of a teacher in Mon State currently on CDM who, thanks to the donation you have kindly contributed, is able to continue her strike while still in hiding.

Shwe Lan Ga Lay