They drop bombs, you give food...
We have applied some of the donation fund to the excellent work that Food Not Bombs is carrying out. This stellar organization is run by the punk band Rebel Riot, whose frontman Kyaw Thu Win will soon be a guest on Insight Myanmar Podcast. (To see an excellent documentary about this punk Buddhist, rent My Buddha Is Punk on Amazon Prime.)
Yesterday Kyaw Thu Win and his other bandmates, along with an assortment of volunteers, ventured into Thaketa township in southern Yangon. The previous week, Thaketa has suffered an especially brutal assault, with soldiers being quoted as saying they wouldn’t leave “until the people are dead.” Unfortunately, they have followed through on their bloody promise, killing dozens there by taking random headshots at anyone unfortunate to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Your donation allowed Kyaw Thu Min and friends to bring rice and other supplies to these hardest hit areas. Going at personal risk to themselves, they loaded several vehicles up and hand-delivered these much needed supplies to the beleaguered communities there.
As much as we honor their courage, their work was preceded by your generosity in providing the fund that allowed them to purchase these food supplies. Thank you for your kindness and support at this time. Your donation is reaching directly those people who need it most.