How your donation supports the nonviolent movement

As the situation in Myanmar continues to deteriorate, many are increasingly becoming worried that a full-scale violent Civil War could erupt at any moment. At this point, the greatest hope in limiting casualties lies in convincing soldiers and police to voluntarily refuse to use their weapons gunning down innocents and no longer agree to follow orders.

Recent defections by officers in the military have estimated that upwards of 70% of active soldiers are unhappy with the coup and do not wish to engage in conflict with their own people, however they do not know how to leave.

Your donation has given them an option. A small group has been creating and printing tens of thousands of leaflets, using your donation funds for these materials. The courageous volunteers doing this work know just how risky it is, and that being caught with a printer at home, or stopped on the street carrying leaflets will mean immediate arrest and likely worse. Still, they continue with their task, knowing that this is what the urgency of the moment requires.

This small team went to several overpasses in Yangon and let these papers fly. Printed material urges police and soldiers to join the people, to stop following orders that result in deaths of innocent. The papers also quote those soldiers who have previously defected, such as Captain Tun Myat Aung from the infamous Light Infamous Division #77. The leaflets contained photos depicting the excessive and greedy lifestyles of Generals who were profiting while the lower ranks suffered.

Further campaigns are underway to write, print, and distribute these materials all over the country. However, this cannot be done without your generous donation funding their brave work. If you would like to see the hope for nonviolence bolstered, please consider making a contribution.

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