Courage In Action

The donations are you provide are transferred to various core volunteers who coordinate with a number of different people and groups on the ground. This week, we are sharing more of their stories as to how they are applying the funds on the ground, and just how urgent they are needed. We shared how one volunteer was trying to support starving communities in Hlaing Thaya, and another regarding how urgently rice was needed in other places. The following tells the story of a police officer with a conscience, who defected from his job in order to join the CDM. The officer refused an offer of financial support last month, but as the movement stretches on, he needs help to continue his strike.

Please consider making a contribution to allow us continue supporting these communities.

My mother is always encouraging me. She sleeps with a knife under her pillow, just in case. I know she is scared too.

“I just talked to a police officer from Yangon participating in CDM who asked me for CDM support. He had called me in early March, telling me that he had joined the movement but he declined our support when we offered to send him some funding back then. He said he didn’t need it. Today, he called back today and asked if he could still request some financial support… we got to chatting and I asked I could share his story, he agreed, so I just translated what he said below:

’I didn’t need any financial support at first, but I’ve since gone through my personal savings as I was helping friends in need. My mother was sending me what she could to support me from her own savings, but she is also going through financial difficulties, as everyone is now. Some of my friends also needed help so I ended up selling and pawning all my valuables, like my gold necklace and watch and a ring.

I used worked at the Bahan station. I was on duty then to guard the xxxxxx embassy. I decided to join CDM on March 1st with 6 other friends from the force. I only joined after I spoke to my mother and received her blessing. She told me that I should do CDM and stand with the people. The CRPH had also made an announcement and I also didn’t want to be caught in the middle and be neither here nor there.

We ran away together but after a while, we were worried that we all might get caught if we stayed together so we split up. We wanted it to make it harder for them to catch all of us, you know? I don’t know where they are now. I am hiding in xxxxx township by myself since a month ago.

A friend of mine called me, he is still inside the force. A very trustworthy guy, he can really keep his mouth shut. He told me that they now have warrants out for our arrest. I am so scared to be found that I don’t really leave this room I am in. I am scared even to go use the bathroom inside the house. They are also saying they will arrest our parents if they cannot arrest us. My mother told me that they came to my house looking for me and asking if she had any contact with me. I am so worried about her. She said, “Don’t worry about me son, I will take care of myself. You must continue doing CDM until we win.” My mother is always encouraging me. She sleeps with a knife under her pillow, just in case. I know she is scared too. I am very worried about my mother. I feel so distressed whenever I think about her safety, it is what I worry about the most.

Anyway, since I’ve started this, I need to see it through to the end, until we are successful. We have to win this. I’m going to keep doing CDM until we win.’”

Shwe Lan Ga LayComment